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  1. firetender

    and how do these things work?

    Here's a thread we have going about a synchronized cardioversion that was synchronized to the vulnerable stage of the EKG complex BY the machine: I'm really curious as to the way monitor/defibrillators are set up for this and how it would have...
  2. firetender

    Splinting of A Fractured Sternum??

    This is simply a matter of making the patient as comfortable as possible. There's no real formula as it's dependant on the actual injury and the Pt's reaction. Keep in mind, it's not about stabilizing the injury itself so much as it's about maneuvering and supporting the patient's whole body to...
  3. firetender

    the 100% directionless thread

    Uncles are great things and they tend to keep looking out for you! Still, it's a tough one, blessings to the family.
  4. firetender

    Synchronized Cardioversion - What happened?

    There are a couple of things I don't understand here. My primary question is what's the deal with that monitor/defibrillator? How on God's Green Earth did it interpret THREE places on each complex as possible targets? Not to mention that one was clearly right on the vulnerable phase if you...