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  1. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    For billing not a full medical history. The medical history is important if it pertains to the necessity of the trip. For example, if the patient has a hx of acid refulx, that's not really gonna matter in proving the trip was needed. Current meds aren't really important to a...
  2. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    I'm not sure! I've always just referred to it as billing.
  3. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    The most common charting mistake would have to be not enough documentation. The documentation plays a HUGE role in the billing aspect of things. Now they are getting more strict with it, Medicare is requiring what ever is on the medical necessity (or PCS) HAS to be on the runsheet as well...
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    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    It depends on who you are billing. Medicare considers the loading code to be "All Inclusive." But others like Auto Insurances will pay for the additional codes.
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    No, they are not back dating those applications. They process them & will make the effective date their approval date. So, for someone who is opening a new is SUPER important that you do this application BEFORE you transport patients. If you don't you will be transporting them for FREE!!
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    Now that makes more sense! Yes if your are referring to the inspections that are done on the trucks & then the licensure gets issued, then absolutely that could take awhile. I have a few squads that have been operating on extension letters for the past 2 years from their state because they can't...
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    OH MY GOODNESS....that's INSANE!!! I've never heard of it taking so long, and it leads to me believe there were problems some where, with the application, them requesting information, the site visit...something else had to be going on there.
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    The 3 weeks was something that happened one time, but 4 weeks is the average turn around time on a fully completed, correct, enrollment application.
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    90 days for reimbursement...that's the craziest thing I've ever heard! You send claims to them electronically, a clean claim should have payment in 10 days. Back when Medicare still expected papers claims, processing one of them took about 4-6 weeks.
  10. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    I don't feel AARP is a scam, but it's not the best choice for a secondary. AARP only pays if Medicare pays, if Medicare denies so do they & then the insurer is stuck with a bill for the fullest amount.
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    Yes, that's what I'm saying. I've done this many of times. I completed a full application for Medicare, for a new provider, and actually had the application approved in 3 weeks, and that was about six months ago. There are always factors that could come into play...government holidays, the time...
  12. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    Yes the vary by state. You can go to and access the ambulance fee schedule, it has them separated by state. They won't always pay for a trip to the ER, it really depends on what their complaints are, and how severe. For example, I bill for a squad that has a patient that is a...
  13. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    For Massachusetts....Medicare pays $7.09-$10.74 for Mileage, $243.51 BLS, $389.62 BLS Emerg, $462.68 ALS Emerg, $292.22 ALS Non-emerg, $669.66 ALS2, $791.42 SCT Rates may fluctuate a little depending on rural & urban areas
  14. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    I really believe it has it's ups and downs. I believe we are headed for a government based insurance, similar to how Canada's medical coverage is handled. Instead of having multiple insurance companies to bill, everything will just go to the government. With that being said, I feel the...
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    IFT (Non-Emergency Transport) Questions

    Billing Medicare/Medicaid can be a headache, but estimating a 4-6 month drought seems quite high to me. Your enrollment with the insurance companies is the lengthy process. Medicare would have to be done first & they take the longest, about 4 weeks, but the enrollment forms can be filled out...
  16. B

    Ask Billing Questions Here!

    Good Morning!! I'm new to EMTLIFE, but I thought I would open a thread for you to ask your billing questions. I've been in the EMS Billing field for 13 years and I LOVE IT!! I thought I would start this thread to see if there's anything I could help anyone with! Have a good day!!!
  17. B

    new company

    When you are ready, I would like to offer my billing assistance. I'm not sure whether you've considered to outsource your billing or not, but here are a few things that we could offer you: *EMS Charts is a covered expense by our company *We bill you for a percentage of what we collect *We...