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  1. S

    Routine PPE

    If i remember correctly there is a study out that demonstrated anesthesia and ICU providers had the lowest rates of infection compared to everyone else in health care. edit: Since the summer have really only been wearing N95 when we get called to a cardiac arrest, if suspected/positive, or if I...
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    COVID VACCINE - The Megathread

    And death isn't even the worst outcome from COVID... Being totally healthy one day and then you get sick and nearly die with multi system organ failure. You get intubated, need dialysis, ECMO, trach and spend months in ICU to be subsequently discharged bed bound and barely conscious to an LTACH...
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    the 100% directionless thread

    Sounds challenging to do online.
  4. S

    11:1 Compression to Ventilation

    This. Seattle implemented multiple changes (protocols, culture, technology) in rapid succession to improve CPR quality, many were focused on decreasing interruptions. I feel like people are trying to replicate their success even though Seattle never demonstrated continuous compressions by EMS...
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    11:1 Compression to Ventilation

    Regardless of advanced airway or not?
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    Prehospital Ethics

    So much bait in here
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    Dying patient left on apartment floor

    And thus we get to what many ethicists emphasize, don't judge decision making on the outcome. I think based on the information at hand, the EMS physician's determination was a reasonable and ethical one. In the end though it makes you wonder, should there be more guidance in terms of providing...
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    Did I cause barotrauma to a pt?

    This all depends on the patient's compliance and resistance with each breath. Many BVMs have pressure gauges on them. Would recommend when you see one to take a look at the pressure gauge as you give a breath to get a good understanding of the feel and associated pressure.
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    A history and physical would drastically narrow your differential and using a Bayesian approach to clinical decision making make ordering many of those tests not necessary. And by physical I mean like regular run of the mill physical, not get out my stroke cards physical.
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    Tongue Displacement

    You can get burned by trying to use a hyperangulated blade when not necessary. The angulation means you need to use a rigid stylet, which maybe not align correctly to pass through the vocal cords.
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    Tongue Displacement

    Agree with everything here. I used curved to DL as well and in your standard adult mostly go midline over the tongue and shift it slightly left. For kids w/ Mac blade (so like 2-8ish, normally Miller younger ones) will actively try to go right and sweep left as the real estate is smaller. With...
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    the 100% directionless thread

    Probably up there as the least favorite thing I've had to do is drop off in the PICU. "Hold on, you can't start we need to wait for the NP who isn't covering this patient's student's friend's sister to come before you can start presenting so they can ask a question."
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    COVID VACCINE - The Megathread

    You have Klinefelters too? Dang thats a lot.
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    COVID VACCINE - The Megathread

    I mean I do have a MD, have a masters, and worked in the pharma industry prior to medicine. I did mostly cardiac and vascular device research for US and EU clinical trials in a group that did contracted full service management from protocol development all the way to writing manuscripts. Do I...
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    the 100% directionless thread

    No problem. I remember reading it in an inpatient consult note and having absolutely no clue what it meant not too long ago. Also have no clue why joint task force is a hyperlink, especially as I dont know the last time I was on Walmart's webpage....
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    COVID VACCINE - The Megathread

    Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine The hundred something page study protocol and statistical plans are available there to peruse too. Let me know where they deviated from GCP or modern standards of the scientific method.
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    the 100% directionless thread

    In 2018 there was a joint task force to redefine MI. The Key Points to take away per ACC.
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    What could I have done differently for this call?

    It breaks my heart to say this as I love slinging high doses of fentanyl, but it definitely is up there for one of the worst choices of pain management to order here (beyond just a one time dose to settle the patient out like in the ambulance or on arrival to the ED).
  19. S

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    Yep, never in my career did I anticipate that I would be suctioning tubes, providing oral care and brushing teeth, hanging meds, emptying urine etc and not see a RT or ICU RN for days. I am still very thankful we didn't have to turn people away.
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    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    Totally. Was more wondering has 3:1 ICU staffing met that threshold for them?