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  1. HuiNeng

    laryngoscope blade question

    Well, here's something about Flaggs Google "Flagg laryngoscope"; yields Features: * Flagg blades are a traditional style with a "C" shaped cross-section. * The tip has a small curve, and the width of the blade decreases gradually...
  2. HuiNeng

    How old were you?

    52 when class begins January '10 However, Scouts first aid, RC Lifesaving at 12, wilderness first aid books for 'packing and climbing, RC CPR and FR at work, infant/child CPR as new parent, "doctor Dad" for a few years now.
  3. HuiNeng

    swine flu--is anyone concerned?

    So ignore the media hype and go straight to the WHO and CDC. H1N1 does have characteristics which make it worrisome to epidemiologists. Most importantly for the young adults in this forum, H1N1 deaths are not concentrated in the usual infant/elderly/immune-compromised population. Rather, this...
  4. HuiNeng

    The "Whacker" in You

    natural progression Yup. Do you still carry a couple of Band-Aids in your wallet? ;) My bag just gets bigger as I add knowledge. Camping kit turned out not to be sufficient for bicycle accidents. The current contents of my big kit might be thought to be at the edge of whackerism. Magill...