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  1. D

    [Tips] Disabled / Special Needs Patients

    What tips does anyone have for handing patients with developmental disabilities or brain damage from an accident? I was told about a girl that a few of my fellow EMT's had that did not speak, was petrified.. I'm always looking for tips to handle things I am not used to.
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    The Combative Opiate Patient

    The medics I ride with push just enough to get them awake enough to nod their head yes or no.. no serious coherence.
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    Immature EMTs

    I'd like to think I fall into that five percent.. at least some times.
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    Turn over to hospital personnel

    I've called several nurses the 4 letter word that rhymes with punt and I've called some what you call a female dog. One responded to me with 'I am ten times more qualified then you to treat this patient'.. to which I responded with 'really? you could have fooled me with the way i've seen you...
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    EMT-B's that pass the test amaze me..

    There was an EMT i know who said that she got lost so easily whilst driving to hospitals, or anywhere for that matter, that if she pulled into a parking lot, made a U turn, and came back to pull back out.. she would not know where she came from.. ZOINKS.
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    Partner got mad at me. Was I wrong?

    When a patient is upset or clearly distraught, I will always let them hold my hand or I'll put my hand on their shoulder and sit near them. It goes such a long way. Especially with geriatric women.. the medics and the needle really freak them out it seems.. and they become so much more calm...
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    Which Litman Stethoscope are you using??

    I absolutely LOVE my cardiology III. Crystal clear sound.
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    USAFMEDIC45's Rules of Medical Care and EMS

    This made my afternoon. :)
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    16yo WANNA BE ;)

    NJ baby! :) Our squad has a dozen or two 16 and 17 year old. Cadets!
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    Was it always a calling to you?

    I thought it was so cool that my father did the EMT thing. I loved the stories and I wanted a piece of the pie. I am now his Saturday night riding partner. He's been doing it since 1983.
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    Turn over to hospital personnel

    No guidelines here. The nurses at the receiving ER's ask us all the questions they need. We give them a copy of our runsheet so they have everything we had. They sign off that they are taking care, and we are out of there. We used to use HEAR radio's.. before my time (I'm 18, just started last...
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    Immature EMTs

    It frustrates me to be around immature EMT's. There are a few on my squad, myself included at some points, but really, it's a good group. I'm lucky.