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  1. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    welcome BMC glad to have ya onboard... I am at the starting line so to speak going to hopefully go through action aviation... am waiting for phone interview from them... so once that ball gets going we will see what happens
  2. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    that bites Armor, r u going through SRCA or action? was just curious... i may have missed it earlier in the blog.... good luck with that though, it sounds like after it is explained that there should not be a problem with it...
  3. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    good deal helimedic... enjoy the flight keep us up to date on how things r over there and let me know if there is anything that you need me to bring with me for ya.... take care and see ya over there
  4. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Thanks AK that is really usefull info....
  5. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    yea i saw the pics that travis posted on his blog, she looks nice, and appears to have a great track record from what i have researched... well good deal hopefully i will get the cahnce to see u over there, soon hopefully, hey btw what do u know about trauma flight in scottsdale
  6. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    ok kewl so u r in country now? would like to hear how the housing is and everything else. My wife was over there in '07 working for KSA in EMS... she enjoyed it and has had nothing but great things to say about it... she still has a bunch of contacts over there. what is up with the fixed wing...
  7. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    cool Helimedic, do you have a deployment date yet? so you can go ahead and sign for a year with action? ok then i guess that quels that thought pattern... thanks much for the info
  8. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    yea shulz it appears so, but it seems like it is only a 6 mnth thing with option to reup... but not a full time position like with SRCA... but will find out more soon hopefully
  9. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Also one other thing... Has anyone herd anything about the fixed wing project that they have been talking about. Like what that time line looks like... ect
  10. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    cool deal that is good to hear, I noticed in a post earlier from Jay that Action is a contract service that is only hiring for 6 months at a time with extensions after that time, and possibly being able to move over to a full time position with SRCA. With out the "full time" position like he...
  11. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    cool deal thanks Helimedic, when did u start the process and how difficult was it to get the ball rolling, I have been emailing Jay back and forth and he has been good about answering any questions that have come up. I have all my paper work together and just waiting for hm to tell me to send it
  12. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Getting ready for interview I am getting ready for an interview with action aviation to go over SRCA I have been reading the posts and keeping up with it, has anyone been through the action aviation hiring process yet?