Recent content by tcripp

  1. tcripp

    Putting Education into Practice

    Ditto to what Linus has posted. Because we are trying to get our profession out of the "technician" realm and in to actual medics, we should be using our brains to determine what is best for our patient. That also indicates that if we have a difference of opinion between what we believe to...
  2. tcripp

    Which would you rather have?

    Not sure your definiation of "lazy". Is that patient care or help around the station? Regardless of the level of your partner, I agree that it does come down to "really good" vs "really bad" being an easy choice.
  3. tcripp

    Hiring committee

    We have a panel interview for the hiring process to include the office manager, chief, asst chief, as many of the 4 captians we can get and then a few field EMTs and Paramedic's.
  4. tcripp

    Agility testing as part of pre employement testing

    Oddly enough, it is fun. The only issue I have is that we like to do it in January. :glare:
  5. tcripp

    Agility testing as part of pre employement testing

    I'm stand corrected. Williamson County does not. When I sat through a recruiting talk, I could have sworn I heard the recruiter say, "We have one, just not as intense as A/TC." Um...yes, Fayette does. That's the service I hired in with. We also have annual physical agility tests that are...
  6. tcripp

    Agility testing as part of pre employement testing

    Out of Texas - Fayette County, Austin/Travis County and Williamson County. The details can be found on their individual web pages.
  7. tcripp

    Agility testing as part of pre employement testing

    I work for a county based 911 service and, yes, a physical agility test had to be passed as part of the hiring process. There are two other county systems nearby that both require the same. If I remember correctly, you have 12 minutes to complete. You must walk to the ambulance, put the...
  8. tcripp

    Running scenarios in class . quick assessment of ABC rates

    I agree with Linuss - that first glance should tell it fast or is it slow; is it regular or irregular; is it shallow, labored or "normal". That's what you need to focus on - the "sick/not sick" in that first few moments. One thing I've done, along with the continued practice, is to...
  9. tcripp

    Patient's family "riders."

    In our service, it's up to the crew to make that determination. If we take a rider, we notify dispatch. Typically, we'll have the rider up in the front. However, sometimes it just makes more since to have the rider in the back and I'm using that person to my advantage.
  10. tcripp

    Intellectual Property

    I've been asked to write course work for a company, but have not done this before. Would love to hear from those who have. What kind of $$ do you charge? Do you maintain copy rights or do you in turn share them with the company that's just paid you for the job? What about simple...
  11. tcripp

    Volunteer Fee???

    Don't expect you to. For the record, I didn't say that I agreed with the practice...just stated that it's common.
  12. tcripp

    Volunteer Fee???

    I believe I understand the point you are trying to make, but the career/paid agencies are billing for the services and therefore have money. The others are nonprofit organizations. At that point, it's your decision to join...or not.
  13. tcripp

    Good news for EMS regarding accreditation

    I, personally, am excited at the prospect.
  14. tcripp

    Volunteer Fee???

    I've actually worked for two volunteer groups where they do have "dues". The dues are minimal ($12 per year for one and $40 a year for the other) and it's just to ensure that you are "serious" about joining the group; kind of like a vested interested. So, it's not unheard of in my neck of...
  15. tcripp

    New Here!

    While I can only speak to the state in which I live, I know several people who work two jobs in this industry and many more who work and continue their education. I work a 48/96 shift with a mandatory OT shift every 12 days and teach on the side. We have several part timers who work for other...