Recent content by sop

  1. S

    Extra Needed Help Response Problem

    Thanks all for the information. I'll send it to my dispatch director.
  2. S

    Extra Needed Help Response Problem

    Could you explain how this process would work? I'm sure we won't have time to look a number up when responding to a call.
  3. S

    Extra Needed Help Response Problem

    Let us say that you have a volunteer department with a very limited amount of mobile radios and not a budget big enough to purchase more. For an example, they get a call from dispatch to respond to a scene of a MVA. What is the best and quickest way to contact extra needed persons that do not...
  4. S

    FX's Rescue Me

    I might have to go ahead and get a Netflix account. :D
  5. S

    ems alabama

    I only know of LifeGuard down there.
  6. S

    How to start a Vol. EMS service

    I would like to see how this turns out.
  7. S

    FX's Rescue Me

    Does anybody know where I can go online and watch the last season of Rescue Me? I had no luck with HULU.
  8. S

    High Mobility Restraint

    I don't know about this one. What do you think?
  9. S

    12 Second Lane Change Rule?

    I rest my case
  10. S

    12 Second Lane Change Rule?

    Is this 12 second lane change rule really successful? 1st 4 seconds - Look in your mirrors. 2nd 4 seconds - Turn on your turning signal and check the lane you wish to enter. 3rd 4 seconds - When clear, change lanes and turn you signal off.
  11. S

    My Safety 5 Tips for Driving

    It seems like everyone has different tips for staying safe on the road. Here are my 5 tips: 1. Look ahead of yourself on the road. 2. Keep your eyes moving on everything. 3. Be aware of all things around and know where you are. 4. Don't let anyone block you in. 5. Make sure the...
  12. S

    Ever accepted a position and immediately know you made the wrong decision?

    And I thought I was to only one to have this experience. ^_^
  13. S

    How to Handle Employment Loss

    Just as hard as is to get a job with an EMS company, it is hard to keep a job with them. Here are my tips on how to handle a job loss if or when you are let go. 1. Don't take it personal. Look at it from a business view. 2. Try to get as many contacts as possible before you walk out...
  14. S

    5 responsibilities of an EMT

    My 5: 1. Come to work on-time. 2. Check the coffee. 3. Clean everything I see. 4. Make sure I have gloves to fit my hands. 5. Ask my co-worker what we need and try to obtain it.
  15. S

    EMT BUFF Test

    I scored a 9, but my score will increase.