Recent content by Nuge

  1. N

    Ambulance observation: need advice.

    I am just starting my 3rd semester of school in Ontario, Canada (2yr./4 semester program) I started observations the last few weeks of 2nd semester, which was only about a month ago. I can feel your pain, as I was very nervous, but at least I had a bit more schooling under my belt. My suggestion...
  2. N

    HELP!!!: Need PROPER Stretcher Lifting Advice

    Thank you for your time and input. I have looked high and low, and have yet to read anywhere how a narraow stance with your arms outside of your knees is favoured over a wider stance with your arms inside your knees. I think if anything, it may set you up for injury to yourself or patient.
  3. N

    HELP!!!: Need PROPER Stretcher Lifting Advice

    Hi Folks. I am new here, and would like some input on the issue of proper stretcher lifting techniques. I am a second year Paramedic student at my local Community College. I have been questioning the lifting methods being presented to us by the faculty, and would like to hear what some of the...