Recent content by NFWman

  1. N

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Thanks! Ya know, I think you’re right about that. With a patient in the back I didn’t feel so sick. I guess it gave me something to focus my mind on…
  2. N

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Great ideas! Thanks 😎👍👍
  3. N

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Thanks for the helpful tips! Just got my state license number assigned today, so I'm ready to get started in this next chapter in life. Will stock up on some ginger candy!
  4. N

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Thanks! I think I'd really like to get my experience in the ambulance setting, if there's a way to overcome the motion sickness.... But good to know there are alternate ideas. I'm pretty hopeful I can find a way to manage the motion sickness, or just get over it eventually. Wondering if any of...
  5. N

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Yes, I think you’re right about getting oriented with the horizon. But in the back of the ambulances that I’ve been in there are only back windows which are almost completely blocked by the large Star Of Life decals. I can give Dramamine a try on a day I’m not working to see if it makes me...
  6. N

    Newbie: What to do about feeling carsickness in back of ambulance?!

    Hi All - I'm brand new to this forum, just passed my state practicals and NREMT cognitive exam.... Am 59 yo and wanted to learn something completely new. For decades have been wanting to become an EMT and now that my kids are getting older & don't need me around as much anymore this was my...