Recent content by Masenko

  1. M

    What would happen if the NREMT required a degree?

    Just because EMS was created to respond to emergencies doesn't mean that's all we're going to face. Shouldn't we adapt and learn about what we deal with on a regular basis as well? We have to look at the reality of what we face, not just fixate on our original purpose. A degree...
  2. M

    EMS Training Programs and Job Candidacy

    What I've noticed is that EMS agencies close to clusters of schools will have some opinions of those schools. Sometimes those opinions are based off of how those students act during clinicals, and sometimes the opinions will come from the employers who have gone to those local programs. It...
  3. M

    Ready for an unpopular idea?

    Well that's one way to "up the standards" :p
  4. M

    Ready for an unpopular idea?

    Still haven't figured out how to quote, the quoted stuff is bolded @ TheLocalMedic: I'm getting some mixed messages from you, do you mind clarifying? Today's EMT and paramedicine courses have in many respects been dumbed down to accommodate the demand for and influx of new practitioners and...
  5. M

    Cardiac Associated Symptoms

    I promised an update I talked with the same physician again. I relayed some of the points I got from this forum, and it turns out my original post was so very wrong! Doh! Turns out his hypothesis was more along the lines of: Paramedics recognize associated signs/symptoms of cardiac issues...
  6. M

    Feeling discouraged, freakish. Am I cut out for EMS?

    I'm also a paramedic student in my first semester and I've been on a couple clinicals so far. Needless to say, I've made a mistake each time I've been on a clinical. But I try not view those mistakes as negative. Sure I f'd up, but better now than when I'm on my own truck. Mistakes and...
  7. M

    Cardiac Associated Symptoms

    Well I was just talking about associated symptoms recognition...if there is one thing I've learned from this thread it's that 12 leads > :)
  8. M

    Cardiac Associated Symptoms

    Chase, I agree with you 100%. In fact, I thought it was provocative enough, that an ER physician (not me) had that theory, to bring it up to the forum. Fair enough? I get terrible sleep no matter what's on my mind anyways. And yeah I guess it makes sense that if paramedics deal with chest...
  9. M

    Cardiac Associated Symptoms

    Interesting! Still I wonder where that theory is coming from then. It's interesting how technology is relied so heavily upon these days. It might be cool to see how these issues will be handled when the lights go out!
  10. M

    Cardiac Associated Symptoms

    An ER doctor I spoke with the other day has a theory that generally, paramedics can spot associated symptoms of cardiac issues, and therefore start treatment for cardiac emergencies quicker, than ER doctors can. Even in the ER. My take (as a new paramedic student) is that paramedics 12-lead...
  11. M

    Polly Who?

    Well to give you some perspective I recently went to the doctor to get some new medication. The only discussion or explanation provided was a 25 page (front and back ) packet about the medication and all its side effects and some information about my condition. I also got some convenient...
  12. M

    min. wage

    Just leave it blank. They will pay you whatever you choose, and if you put something too high they might think you are unrealistic or have an ego :/
  13. M

    EMT School Tips?

    Also see if you can get a skill sheets from your state board on medical and trauma assessment if you want to start memorizing those early. Hope this helps.
  14. M

    EMT School Tips?

    Ask tons of questions! Even if you think you know the answer or the science behind what's talked about in class... ask! The instructor may give an answer more detailed than in the book, and their personal experience can be valuable. I know this isn't really "preparation advice", but even if...
  15. M

    Another "Should I be an EMT" post.

    At the very least you could rule it out,and you'd be one step closer to finding out what you're all about. If it works then great!