Recent content by Jersey Beach

  1. Jersey Beach

    EMR Training Starts Tomorrow!

    It's only 40 hours. Hopefully it will be a good introduction to the EMT class i'm, starting in January.
  2. Jersey Beach

    Hello everyone!

    If i end up training at the ER at the hospital i used to work at, then it will absolutely be a madhouse 24/7!
  3. Jersey Beach

    Hello everyone!

    Since i have all the time i need right now, i'm going to hopefully work my way up to paramedic. My wife's friend's daughter works at a lifeflight base. They just wait for a call to come in, then jump on the helicopter. THAT sounds like something i'd love to at least try! And no thanks to the ER...
  4. Jersey Beach

    Hello everyone!

    Don't worry. Right now, it's cold here. I wear my underarmor longsleeve under my polo shirt and that's it! I hate the bulky coats.
  5. Jersey Beach

    Hello everyone!

    So, I'm currently working as a MAVO for an ambulance company and am also starting as an EMR for a different ambulance company. In January, I begin EMT school. I'll be 56 at that point. After retiring out of a utility company that I was at for 25 years, I'm finally able to get back to what I...