Recent content by jacob619

  1. jacob619

    EMT-B course as High School Senior??

    I want to start off by thanking everyone for their responses and the great information. I was a little hesitant to sign up for the class due to financial reasons. I know this is what I want to do and I will take the class now. I am worried it will be difficult to take along with my regular...
  2. jacob619

    EMT-B course as High School Senior??

    Hello Everyone, I am a senior preparing to finish my last semester in high school. I am interested in the fire service and know that my first step to achieving this goal is becoming an EMT. The local college is offering an EMT course beginning in January. I have a few questions about the course...
  3. jacob619

    " I have failed over and over and over again, this is why I succeed"

    " I have failed over and over and over again, this is why I succeed"