Recent content by J-Me

  1. J

    EMT-B class-what to wear?

    I am starting my EMT-Basic course in a week and a half, and I am wondering what to wear? The dress code says black pants (not jeans or dress pants) black shoes, and a white polo shirt. I dont know what kind of pants or shoes to get? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you!
  2. J

    Pregnant during training

    Thanks everyone for your responses. I am going to go ahead and enroll in the course, and see how my pregnancy goes, as the class doesnt start until January. I suppose I could also talk to the course instructor. Like I said before, I really wanted to take an EMT course before I start my core...
  3. J

    Pregnant during training

    I just got accepted into the January 2011 EMT course. I also recently found out that I was pregnant. My due date is somewhere middle of May, and my class gets done in the middle of May..I am in school fulltime for nursing, and this would be my only chance to take the EMT course, because I start...