Recent content by Hannah

  1. Hannah

    Just got my cert, looking for work

    Hello all! Last Saturday I passed my practical and today I got my certification letter in the mail. The service where I did my ride-alongs told me to come back when I had my cert; so this weekend I'm going to be putting in an application there. Any advice? Like what kind of questions I...
  2. Hannah

    How many survived your EMT class?

    My class started out with 22-25; midway through the course we dropped down to 16 people. . .and only 5-7 passed the final exam (and we still have the certifaction exam left). Thankfully, I was one of those 5-7 people.
  3. Hannah

    EMT-B Students!!!

    They have Ambulance Driver's Handbooks? I'll have to pick one up next time I'm in town.
  4. Hannah

    [April Fools] EMTLife's Newest Community Leader: MMiz!

    Talk about a rapid promotion; I just joined yesterday! Oh, wait, it's April 1st.
  5. Hannah

    EMT-B Students!!!

    I'm about half way done with my course and enjoying it very much. The only thing that worries me is I'm a complete medical rookie (other than CPR classes) and we haven't had very many practicals. My first ride along is Saturday and I am so looking forward to that!
  6. Hannah

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Nice forum! Hey everybody; I'm Hannah, 19 and currently taking my EMT-Basic course. I was looking for information online, found this site, liked it and joined.