Recent content by Ginger care

  1. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    Wow I ****ed that up bad, alright I'm done.
  2. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    I get what your saying, it's a fair point and I mean that I'm not trying to be a ****. But I guess I would rather have a emr or a cop that has had even minimal training but specific to stressful situations do it than a 16 year old kid freaking out because he thinks I'm dying and can't think...
  3. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    Why can't it be both? Is not thinking about the consequences from all sides the very recklessness I was speaking of. How dare I have multiple points about something I belive, quick set me on fire and throw me in the river. The moral is secondary to the saftey of the issue. Ever heard of...
  4. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    Oh good lord, did my wife put you up to this......listen I don't care what the problem is, I never once said it has any indication of my treatment for the patient. That's something you all assumed just because I'm not totally Gung hoe for Narcan in vending machines. For people who seem overly...
  5. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    And for the record I really don't care what people are doing in there free time, do drugs don't do drugs it's your life. I'm saying not looking at it from both sides is a little reckless.
  6. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    Never did I judge addicts so please don't twist my words to build your soapbox. Also I stand by my point that doing heroin is idiotic, not judging, dont think they are less human or scum of the earth. Im not going to withhold any level of care whatsoever, but how is it not idiotic....seriously...
  7. Ginger care

    Should we use Narcan on all CPR calls?

    Yeah one of the biggest is now everyone and there idiot mother thinks we should sell it over the counter, giving drug dealers the brilliant idea to sell it with the drugs to idiot kids who think that now heroin isn't dangerous and end up overdosing anyway like you guessed it....idiots.
  8. Ginger care

    What to review when EMT-B class is over?

    Don't know if this is still time relevant (not sure if you already took skills test) but for every point on the skills sheet do that many practice runs. Example- if trauma assessment is 42 points, practice it 42 times. Sounds like alot but remember...everytime you see a patient they get a...
  9. Ginger care

    Ridin' around and gittin' it.

    Ridin' around and gittin' it.