Recent content by Generic

  1. G

    Emergency the Tv show turns 50

    I could be wrong but I believe that money for staffing engine 127 was used to add a squad to station 10 within the City of Carson which is just north of station 127. So, 127's just has the quint now.
  2. G

    What is the difficulty of the CPAT?

    There are videos on YouTube that go through the CPAT process. You can determine for yourself if it will be easy or hard. It just depends your physical fitness.
  3. G

    Covid Vaccine Mandate

    This will likely go to the Supreme Court. There is precedence where the Supreme Court ruled that the government can enforce mandatory vaccinations. There was a smallpox out outbreak in the early 1900s and 11 states had compulsory vaccination laws. It went to the Supreme Court and the Justices...
  4. G

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    Where does it say there was a 30 minute ETA?
  5. G

    Monterey County rejects AMR's bid, will issue new RFP.
  6. G

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA
  7. G

    Privatized EMS in Placentia CA

    Supposedly, it is Lynch ambulance.
  8. G

    Bay Area, Central CA, NorCal EMS

    American works a 48 hour work week with 4 12s or with seniority, 1 24 hour and 2 12s. The 24 hour is mostly in rural areas where it is generally slower but have some 24 hour stations closer to the metropolitan area where it is busier. The 12 hour units are in the Fresno metropolitan area. They...
  9. G

    Bay Area, Central CA, NorCal EMS

    Also look into Sequoia Safety Council out of Reedley (Fresno county). I believe they are a 3 station non-profit that covers 9-1-1 for the southeast part of the county. I have a friend that works at American and will post more in a few days when I have more time.
  10. G

    Bay Area, Central CA, NorCal EMS

    This pdf file from the California EMS Authority shows all the 9-1-1 transporting agencies throughout the state and the area within the county they cover. This will help you narrow down your choices and ask more specific questions about an area or ambulance company...
  11. G


  12. G

    What do days long shifts look like?

  13. G

    What do days long shifts look like?

    The busiest engine company last year was about 5800 calls plus another 500 calls in their area that other engines had to run. That station added a medic patrol vehicle to it this year.
  14. G

    What do days long shifts look like?

    Not true. CAL FIRE can hold people on duty if they are on regular days off. If you have approved vacation, you cannot be held on duty including your normal days off before or after your normal duty days. The only time that can be cancelled is if the governor declares a state of emergency. That...
  15. G

    Live Dispatch

    Many types of scanners can pick up 800 MHz frequencies whether they are analog, digital, conventional or trunked. If the frequencies are encrypted, that is another story.