Recent content by firemedic1977

  1. firemedic1977

    EMT-B Final Examination

    Good luck on your test.
  2. firemedic1977

    NEED help using the KED

    I would use the KED if you think it is needed. It better to over use it then to not use it, when you needed it. As for useing it I have seen it done a few ways. But if you start with the chest move down to the legs. Then back to the head. The head is always last. And you undo the legs after you...
  3. firemedic1977

    The stair chair

    We have the new strykers with the treads. It is a god send going down the stairs. But it is not so good going up. My self I would call for F.D. help. I can not see a injury to my crew or the pt. If I could have just asked for help. So far everytime I ask for it I get the help that is needed. As...
  4. firemedic1977

    Boss and kids

    Thats a good ideal. It's the same thing the state att. gen office told me to try. I did and it did not work. So now the state att. gen oofice is going after them for the open meetings act. So after the 16 I will not have to worry about it. All the things I tried to read into the board meeting...
  5. firemedic1977

    Boss and kids

    The ambulance is run by a board and the mother is the president. And the rest have been told about this. But the say to go to the president. I have even went into the board meetings and tried to bring it up. With no luck shut down ever time. And I am putting in my two weeks at the next board...
  6. firemedic1977

    Boss and kids

    I have all of this documentedand also emails with who was notified. And I also printed out thier replys. My big problem with the boss not being a emt of medic is she is a driver. And trys to tell you what to do on a scene. I know I do not now everything but I do have 14 years in ems. Then you...
  7. firemedic1977

    Boss and kids

    Just checking to see how many of you run with a full time basic ambulance. I work as the only full time employee for ours. And then the rest are paid on call. And we have 4 basics that have under 1 year in ems. And they get mad when you try to show them something. And one of their mom is the...