Recent content by EMTBWannabe

  1. E

    How big was your EMT-B class?

    62...26 made it through to State Certification.
  2. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    i agree with you 100%.
  3. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    here's another thing why do we have to call initial assessment by a few different names.. initial assessment aka primary assessment aka primary survey... ah well i guess there's always going to be multiple names for the same thing.
  4. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    i need to memorize it in the "B" section - IPASSO = inspect, palpate, auscultate, seal, stablize, Oxygen (administration) - sorry.. i'm a NOOBIE.
  5. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    no it's part of the ongoing assessment. my question was based on ongoing not initial...
  6. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    funny you should say that... after the exam the instructor said he would have picked repeat vitals before repeating initial.. however i did choose repeat initial. it's a fair question if he said we must adhere to the steps not as long as we perform it within that frame. i'm gonna fail...
  7. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    agreed on your point concerning modality and knowledge to treat. but when you're a student and a complete novice you'd want some consistency in reading materials while also presenting the material in some logical sense. an example in my class would be the following - we're learning pt...
  8. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    There is a National Registry of EMTs isn't there? That's one specific set of standard of knowledge for those who decide to take the national registry. the national registry isn't studying all 50 states protocols - it's a non-state non-regional set of standards. don't you think? each...
  9. E

    bad sphygmomanometer?

    i'll crimp the tube.. i wouldn't put it in water only because i'll want to exchange it and i dont' think they want some moisture there... haha. thanks for your input.
  10. E

    bad sphygmomanometer?

    well that's the thing.. it's not all that slow even when the release valve has not been released. thanks for your input.
  11. E

    bad sphygmomanometer?

    i am an emtb student of 4 weeks. i just got a new sphyg. when i'm inflating the cuff - i made sure the release valve was closed - as i am inflating it retains air but even before i have a chance to turn the release button the air is already leaking out... that can't be normal right...
  12. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    i agree with you 100%.. i wish my class was more thought provoking.
  13. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    it's weird how each class differs. the exams my class takes are straight from the textbook - although they give us handouts to grow our knowledge. you would think across the country there should be one standard curriculum along with your local protocols.
  14. E

    Trouble with class/instructors

    I am also a very recent (3 weeks) EMT-B student - I can definitely understand where WannabeEMTB is - yes it's while each emergency will not be the same and each situation calls upon interpretation and application of the skills learned as a student we are looking for something concrete (althought...
  15. E

    CPR and AED

    any advice on which stethoscope and blood pressure cuff to get?