Hey! Im back for a few minutes. LOL I had to drop out of Paramedic school. That dream is gone but that's ok I guess. Nothing I can do about it. How in the world have you been?
hey!!! I did ok on all of my term tests. I am out of the program now though. I can't physically do it anymore, but I am thinking of some alternitives to go to school for. Where have you been hiding?
You get to use notes?!? How Not fair is that???!! lol We got to use our book for 5 minutes on one terminology test but that was it. All of the other tests, we just had to really know it! EMS 110 is the first part of our Paramedic degree. We are already in hardcore A & P but we have a harder one after this one. Then I will be done with that!!!
My medical terminal terminology class is kind of in with my EMS 110 class. I just dropped 2 of my classes, my Driving class and my Prehospital enviornment, but I can pick them up later. I am still in A & P and EMS tho. Congrats on your mid-terms!!! I'm proud of ya bubby!!!
Ya that is awesome! Glad to know someone near me! Thanks for the kind words, my instructor is from Elk Grove matter of fact he is a Sac Airport FF. Good man ALOT of knowledge lol.