Recent content by ChrisMed1

  1. ChrisMed1

    Uh unusual encounter

    Uh am I the only one who read his second post and then his last one and get really confused
  2. ChrisMed1

    Uh unusual encounter

    They offered as the attempted to still get the IV kit out. What I'm saying is it's unusual at least for me for someone to offer, for someone to attempt to grab an IV start kit before getting the okay to start an IV, and frankly I think it'd be even more unusual if to allow it so I didn't allow...
  3. ChrisMed1

    Uh unusual encounter

    you don't think its unusual for a patient at 1 in the morning to just try to grab an IV start kit randomly and try to stick themselves? maybe its a due area thing because that doesn't happen a lot here and we are right out of Nashville.
  4. ChrisMed1

    Uh unusual encounter

    Just had a few days ago a pretty unusual encounter I wanted to share and see you any of you guys have had also. My partner and I on this night were both just EMT basics although our truck has the ALS equipment since sometimes it operates as an ALS truck and this night we got a pretty usually...
  5. ChrisMed1

    How do you treat this.

    EMT not a medic but out of curiosity at a rate of 170 how can you tell Afib with RVR vs A flutter? I'm just curious because a recent call I rode on the medic unit just helping out and the medic told me to watch this and it was a PT with Afib that was having moments of Aflutter and when the rate...
  6. ChrisMed1

    Documentation question

    Late to reply but did they not cover this during your new hire orientation? I am really new also and when I first started as a ER tech I had a week in a half working with someone to basically show me the ropes between regular job duties and very importantly documentation. Now I actually recently...
  7. ChrisMed1

    What was your first 911 call?

    I'm still pretty new so very easy to remember it was a "possible stroke" ended up some sort of intoxication and the patient was naked and pissing on the fire truck when I arrived... I rode in cab on the first call then first call I rode in the back was a nausea and vomiting call and yeah it went...
  8. ChrisMed1


    I'm jealous I mostly work with medics but when I am just working with another EMT we can't give pretty much anything unless they already take it or if we call med control for authorization and to put in an order. Heck I've never even given zofran I've given an emisis bag after already getting...
  9. ChrisMed1


    First July 4th in books. 1700-2200hrs was on a firework detail were we had a total of 4 pt contacts but no transports then went out with one of the fire apparatus on there detail that ended at 2300hrs really close by made 1 more patient contact and did a transport for COPD exacerbation...
  10. ChrisMed1

    Quick exit

    I am going through counseling and am still having a hard time but I am trying to get back. I need to work but it's hard I am returning Monday and working 4hrs for now I am hoping to get back just right now it's hard but I am trying. Thanks for the support guys I really do appreciate and I am...
  11. ChrisMed1

    Quick exit

    I may return to this form I am currently unsure but I am taking a leave for a mental health reason. To be brief had a really bad patient outcome was a suicide in a child and the whole call has been tearing me up inside. I may return at a later point but for now good bye.
  12. ChrisMed1

    How about that

    Went code 3 because there sugars weren't stable if you look at the pattern the sugar has been non stop climbing and dropping Medic did what the patient asked for just tea and no IVs. Patient declined IV placement. Stables were still unstable they were still tachycardic. Not a medic so bare...
  13. ChrisMed1

    How about that

    Yeah I would have to review protocols to know for certain but I started volunteering like 2 months ago and haven't seen any code 2 transports. It's always been either code 1 routine or code 3 emergent.
  14. ChrisMed1

    How about that

    A&O x 3 so a little altered unknown acuity (patient states, "I don't give a f**k who the president is") we did do a fingerstick en route patient already started drinking her tea it was 61. We did go code 3 probably could have gone code 2 but that's up to the driver and medic I ride as the aid.
  15. ChrisMed1

    Appendicitis.... Cardiac issue
