Recent content by celticcare

  1. C

    Emergency Response Teams.

    Hi all hope you're all keeping well and life's been treating you all well. Sorry for lack of posting, life, kids etc you get the drill. I am involved with ERT training and course development. Some sites are at least 30-40 minutes away from ambulance assistance and have high risk of trauma and...
  2. C

    EKG Interps Part 2

    looking at it, definatly the ST Elevation inferirorly, reciprical ST depression, but the very peaked t's are making me wonder if there is a septal lead Pacemaker or even localised pericarditis issues. Normal axis so aren't thinking cor pulmonalae or anything like that.
  3. C

    Difficulty in getting IV access? try forehead IO

    I love it lol, could have used this on some patients had last few nights, though not just for IO access ;)