Recent content by ccmedoc

  1. ccmedoc

    MVA - BLS or Trauma alert?

    would hate to be the <5-<1%...OB pts are complex to begin with, let alone with trauma Hx and abd pain. 8 months and MVC should increase index of suspicion for injury and bladder rupture, abruption or uterine rupture would be a concern; she would require a higher level of observation initially...
  2. ccmedoc

    MVA - BLS or Trauma alert?

    OB trauma is an ALS pt. Should have had a Paramedic in the back for transport, if there was one on scene. Fancy skills and ability to perform procedures aside, the increased "assessment knowledge" that the paramedic is supposed to posses, as well as the ability to recognize decompensation better...
  3. ccmedoc

    When should people call poison control instead of 911?

    I think the prudent thing to do would be call 911 THEN call poison control. I believe that most operators at the poison control will advise the caller to call 911, as over the phone triage is just too difficult and potentially fraught with complications. This approach would prevent the...
  4. ccmedoc

    Our rigs........

    EC145 is the same as BK117 c2..A little bigger than BK 117 c1. As for the tailrotor, The EC135 has the 'fenestron', or enclosed tailrotor. The EC145/BK117 c2 have an open, high mounted tailrotor. Both are very nice to work in, although I think the EC135 is quieter..Not to mention a bit...
  5. ccmedoc

    Fentanyl suckers

    We use them for peds pain control as well. I think the "sucker" part starts them on their way and settles them down for the drug to take effect. Far better than coming at them with needles right away. Makes IV access MUCH easier on all concerned, especially the parents seeing their child...
  6. ccmedoc

    OFF DUTY+ a real emergency.

    Maybe something like this?:rolleyes: