Recent content by Agent_J

  1. Agent_J

    Elderly Fall - Board/Collar

    Standing takedown does sound best in that situation. I'd still Collar her regardless of the lack of neck pain as a precaution. I wouldn't want her to lay down or anything like that because that might cause more injury or pain for her. Sounds like the right move.
  2. Agent_J

    What do you wear to school?

    Awwww yeah. LOL!
  3. Agent_J

    Do EMT's get Polygraphed?

    Wow. I haven't heard of this kind of protocol in the hiring process here in CA. If you do have to do this in CA I wouldn't be surprised as this state is so lock down with a bunch of stuff. I know I've taken it twice before with CHP and San Francisco PD, but the scope of work is different.
  4. Agent_J

    What do you wear to school?

    We are required to wear either our schools T-Shirt tucked in, or the polo shirt tucked in, with dark blue work pants and black boots. It sure is a challenge for me to work all day in an office setting, then change into my EMT clothing, then go to class. Such a drastic change of pace and field...
  5. Agent_J


    The school I'm going to in getting trained is going to visit the local AMR during one of our class meetings. I'm not sure if they are one of the places/companies that is an option to take one of my 12hr clinical obersvations with though.