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  • Hey there...I saw on a post from about a year ago that you were working as an EMT out in the Phoenix area. I was wondering if you're still working out that way? I'm looking into relocating from Los Angeles area and had some questions I was hoping you might be able to help me out with. Thanks!
    i read that u are a emt in az i am relocating form wv how hard is it to find a emt job in az prefer in el mirage
    Hallo! Searched for a new, more active forum, logged in and first thing I do is finding your profile here. :)

    Greetings from Germany!

    Have you heard of EMTPREP.COM I was thinking of getting that as well to help me study. Seems like it would be good for me to get and i can study while im at work .. Thanks again for giving me advice ..
    Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to post .. I just want to make sure that Im studying the right stuff and get a good idea
    Being from the PHX area, do you work for SWA/Rural/PMT? I started my EMS/Fire endeavor down in Tucson working for rural/metro and then SWA came in.
    Rural Metro, Southwest division. Rural Metro now owns both. Plus Rural Metro fire dept.
    I worked for rural/metro fire side down in Tucson for 5 years. Rural actually paid for my medic and once I got it done, I bolted at down in Southern AZ EMS is so *** backwards (at least when I left) that I had to go some place more progressive. One of my good friend worked up in the phx area PRN and he said it was different from southern AZ. Phx was always to hot and to much concrete for me.
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