the 100% directionless thread


Forum Troll
Ugh. Got my first ever speeding ticket. 99 in a 70 :(


Forum Deputy Chief
Dear EMS providers. Please don't talk about stuff you don't know in an open forum, like discussion threads. Please. please. please. please. please.

[Pick your favorite Facepalm.gif]

Perhaps this bloke was confusing placentae abruptio or praevia with membranous rupture or a ruptured ectopic pregnancy? :D

What would Beckman, Danforth and Williams say? ....
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Forum Troll
Dang!!! In a hurry? That sucks.

Sent from my electronic overbearing life controller

I know my speedometer is off by 4 mph. I was going down a hill and looking at the navigation to see where I had to go. Officer got me doing 99 but before he even turned on his lights I was already back down to 70mph.


Forum Deputy Chief
I know my speedometer is off by 4 mph. I was going down a hill and looking at the navigation to see where I had to go. Officer got me doing 99 but before he even turned on his lights I was already back down to 70mph.

I understand this one. A few years ago we (wife and I) got popped on the Atchafalaya Basin Bridge in south Lousiana doing about 20+ over in a 55 zone. This bridge has been the site of a couple nasty wrecks over the years so state police patrol the heck out of it-I did not know this at the time and we were running way late to the company awards ceremony due to the wife getting off late that morning.

I saw the cop standing behind his car with radar about the time he popped me. Before he could motion me to pull over I was already slowing down and pulling to the shoulder. Lucky me I played the ignorant out of towner and he saw the uniforms and let us go.


Forum Troll
I understand this one. A few years ago we (wife and I) got popped on the Atchafalaya Basin Bridge in south Lousiana doing about 20+ over in a 55 zone. This bridge has been the site of a couple nasty wrecks over the years so state police patrol the heck out of it-I did not know this at the time and we were running way late to the company awards ceremony due to the wife getting off late that morning.

I saw the cop standing behind his car with radar about the time he popped me. Before he could motion me to pull over I was already slowing down and pulling to the shoulder. Lucky me I played the ignorant out of towner and he saw the uniforms and let us go.

Luckily the officer wrote it down as an infraction. I can do traffic school and get the points off my record.


Forum Chief
Luckily the officer wrote it down as an infraction. I can do traffic school and get the points off my record.

Here in NM that much over could have landed you a felony speeding arrest... Not that I'm one to talk. Riding up the mountain a few weeks back I got popped for 35 over (speed limit was only 25) and got away with just a warning


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Here in NM that much over could have landed you a felony speeding arrest... Not that I'm one to talk. Riding up the mountain a few weeks back I got popped for 35 over (speed limit was only 25) and got away with just a warning

For a state that is so laid back in so many ways NM sure has some draconian driving laws.

Not that I'm disagreeing with them just seems like an odd state to be so well patrolled.


Forum Chief
For a state that is so laid back in so many ways NM sure has some draconian driving laws.

There are several states where 20+ over the speed limit is a felony. It just depends what the state calls it.

EDIT: And the road I was on is popular with sportbike riders going up it at a high rate of speed, so it usually is patrolled well. Besides, only one way up and down, so if you try to run from thecops, there's really no place to go


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Lets go us women!!!


Forum Deputy Chief

The scariest damn thing you will ever do, but the most fun you will ever have.

Yea, I'm sure about the first part. Not so sure about the second. ;-)

My mom says she never did understand why my dad spent a 30 year career jumping headlong out of perfectly good airplanes with nothing but I highly compressed bed sheet to keep him from hitting the ground at 150 miles per hour.

I watched my dad's chute fail on him during a HALO demonstration for all the navy base families once. Scary as heck. I was only like 13 years old and I was sure I was about to see my dad die 50 feet in front of me. But if course all that SEAL training kicked in and he landed it just fine on his reserve, then he tried joking about it at home that night....THAT went over really really well with my mom. Ha!

Sent from a small, handheld electronic device that somehow manages to consume vast amounts of my time. Also know as a smart phone.


Forum Chief
My mom says she never did understand why my dad spent a 30 year career jumping headlong out of perfectly good airplanes

Perfectly good airplane?

Man, mine was missing a door and people were falling out left and right. I might have to mail a letter to the FAA about it...


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
So my dad is in a skilled nursing facility (nursing home) till he can have his surgery in august. The rooms at this place don't come with tv's so my brother and sister in law said they would bring one that belonged to my sister in laws now deceased brother. It is one of those tv's with a built in dvd player and hadn't been used in a few years. So they take this tv and set it up in my dads room and turn it on. Apparently the last thing watched on this tv was a dvd that was still in it. So the tv comes on full blast and the audio of what was apparently an incredible performance by a female actress goes careening through the halls of this nursing home. No one can figure out how to turn it off because they don't have the remote. Apparently it went on for about 45 seconds until someone had the brains to yank the cord.


Forum Lieutenant

The scariest damn thing you will ever do, but the most fun you will ever have.

Sounds like the "Sky Jump" from the Stratosphere in Vegas. I about had a stroke in the moments leading up to it, only to have it canceled due to wind.


Forum Angel
So my dad is in a skilled nursing facility (nursing home) till he can have his surgery in august. The rooms at this place don't come with tv's so my brother and sister in law said they would bring one that belonged to my sister in laws now deceased brother. It is one of those tv's with a built in dvd player and hadn't been used in a few years. So they take this tv and set it up in my dads room and turn it on. Apparently the last thing watched on this tv was a dvd that was still in it. So the tv comes on full blast and the audio of what was apparently an incredible performance by a female actress goes careening through the halls of this nursing home. No one can figure out how to turn it off because they don't have the remote. Apparently it went on for about 45 seconds until someone had the brains to yank the cord.

That is fricken hilarious lol wow.


Forum Deputy Chief
Apparently the last thing watched on this tv was a dvd that was still in it. So the tv comes on full blast and the audio of what was apparently an incredible performance by a female actress goes careening through the halls of this nursing home

Brown has told Mrs Brown to not lend out her DVDs :D ....


Forum Troll
There are several states where 20+ over the speed limit is a felony. It just depends what the state calls it.

EDIT: And the road I was on is popular with sportbike riders going up it at a high rate of speed, so it usually is patrolled well. Besides, only one way up and down, so if you try to run from thecops, there's really no place to go

The officer only put it as a traffic infraction. So I just have to pay the fine (don't know the amount but probably pretty high) and then online traffic school so I don't get any points on my record.