Suggestions to replace vacuum splints?


Just a dude
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I'm sure I'm not the only department where vacuum splints seem to develop legs/wings and fly away once they hit the doors to the ER. They are expensive to replace, even the "disposable" versions, and I'm looking for ideas for something different to replace vacuum splints entirely.

Thanks ahead of time for your ideas!
Why not switch to SAM splints or cardboard box splints? Vacuum splints are certainly easier to use (and may be better, given the consistent method of application, possible increased comfort, etc.), but I am unaware of any evidence base in favor of vacuum splints over standard splints.

Good training on splinting goes a long way.
SAM all day, easy to use and adapt to any situation, compact, cost effective. Getcha sum...
SAM all day, easy to use and adapt to any situation, compact, cost effective. Getcha sum...

Plus, if you pad well, they are pretty comfy!
And if you bill for your can easily recover the costs and then some.

FYI, if you are officially tasked with finding a new product, contact your sales rep and inform then you want samples to trial before making the switch. If you do not have a rep, contact the company and tell them you are in charge of a departmental switch and are considering their product and again you want samples...they will gladly give you a dozen or so to trial. All about the future sales! (Which for you will be cheaper than vacuum splints)
We actually do have sam splints already so that has the advantage of being a familiar product. I might float the idea out there and see what kind of response I get.

Thanks for the ideas!
If you already have SAM, then stop using the vacuum! Simple fix all day long!
OP may be talking about full body vacuum splints used in lieu of long boards, where they are clearly superior in terms of complications and patient comfort. They are also VERY expensive to lose and highly desirable to "walk off."

OP bill for them and if one is used there needs to be a chain of custody up to and including signing them over to the ED staff or notifying your shift supervisor to come retrieve it.
No, we have the full body splint also but barely use them, I was talking about the extremity vacuum splints..
Have you considered items like the FracPack? I prefer the customization offered by SAM splints and equivalents, but if you are concerned about consistency of application, etc., FracPack splints work nicely, and look to be cheaper than many vacuum splints.
We use the cardboards, cheap and effective.
Have you considered items like the FracPack? I prefer the customization offered by SAM splints and equivalents, but if you are concerned about consistency of application, etc., FracPack splints work nicely, and look to be cheaper than many vacuum splints.

We had one of those in service for awhile, it never got used..
We had one of those in service for awhile, it never got used..

I don't particularly care for them either -- my service stocks them and some of the folks who are...not exactly great at splinting or don't want to take the time to do it properly like them.
I loved using the fracPack, especially for lower extremity injuries

I don't like them as much as making my own splints, but there is certainly room for their use. I just find that if I make my own splint (SAM splint + padding), I can be a bit more sensitive to the patient's unique anatomy.
I would absolutely love if we carried SAM splints however all we have is cardboard so that is what I am stuck with