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  • How is school coming? you guys on this site motived me to start my perquisites last August. I have one more week to go and I'm all done. Next I have to take the TEAS here in GA and see if I can pass this to apply into an Paramedic to RN program
    3 semesters for the Bridge Program. If accepted, I would begin in Jan. 2022 and for that semester Spring 2022 it would all be online. The Fall 2022 semester is about 2 days a week. I could finish school Spring 2023. I would have to retire in the Summer of 2022 and be ready to commit more time etc. Tough decision for me to quit a job paying 6 digits to draw retirement to go to go for my RN.
    I am mandatory retirement in 6 years and I know I will have to continue working somewhere. Currently I am not in a dedicated EMS/Fire field.
    3 semesters is amazing, my program is 5
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