Completely green EMT-B (seattle) in need of a little guidance


Forum Crew Member
Hi guys,

I'm a completely green EMT, I've been certified since early this year, and have finally started dipping my toes into looking for a job; but being in Washington state has me really, really confused about how things work.

I read a thread here from 2010 (looking at the department of health website is the most unhelpful thing on earth) that basically says that there is no state exam beyond the NREMT exam I already passed, though I had heard that there is one from other sources. Can someone clarify this?

Also, I'm really struggling to find positions. I've applied for at least a dozen ER tech jobs with the swedish network, though if I really want to have any hope there, I need to get a CNA/MA certification as well. I've also applied to several of the medical transport services as well, to no avail.

I would be plenty happy with a volunteer job for a few months to build up some experience, but I really feel like I'm flying blind here, and haven't found any helpful venues for advertising myself or finding work (I've signed up for the swedish job network, and have simply looked up the local ambulatory services in the area. I really don't like applying over the internet, but unfortunately that seems to be everything I've found thusfar)

Goals wise, I'm not looking to really go beyond an EMT-B towards nursing or being a paramedic, this is mostly field experience (and obviously to pay my bills) that I want to build up for medical school applications in a few years. I'm not sure if that really rules out volunteering or starting with a local fire department or not. I started out as a lifeguard in 2009 and have really exhausted any form of challenge that profession has for me.

Mostly, I'm looking for advice on where to look and any tips that you guys have on finding work as an EMT. I just applied for that startup that advertised on craigslist (even if they only last six months, it'd be experience I could use) but I'd really take anything at all that gives me experience. My resume and references are quite good (In my opinion, at least) for what I'm applying for.

thanks in advance!
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I know a guy who knows a guy.
Here's the reality.

An ER tech job is VERY difficult to land in Seattle without experience. Not impossible, but difficult.

The ambulance companies hire sporadically. It's really being in the right place at the right time. The money is awful, but it gets you that hard to come by experience. (Even though its usually not much more than dialysis transfers and fire BLS Transports)

There are very few volunteer positions in the Seattle area. Skyway and Black Diamond fire come to mind.

The initial test for certification in NREMT, but you can not apply for your certification until you are affiliated with an EMS agency. And no, a hospital job is not an EMS agency.

And sorry to be a wet blanket, but your past experience and resume has zero impact on your ability to get a job in EMS in King County. EMTs are simply warm bodies that fill an empty slot on the schedule.
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Forum Crew Member
Thanks much for your response!

I know I'm entirely replacable, so that's not much of a big shock, and thanks for all the info. So how does an ER tech function as an EMT without being affiliated? That sounds contradictory to me that ER tech positions I've seen require EMT but aren't valid affiliates.

So, just to be clear, my state certification is simply paperwork after I've essentially gotten a job with a valid organization?

Thanks again for your help - do you have any advice on where to keep my eyes on in order to help myself be in that right place when the time comes?


I know a guy who knows a guy.
TriMed. AMR. Falck. Rural/Metro. Olympic. Those are the ambulance companies to apply with. It's really a matter of being there at the right time.

As far as the ED tech job, they want you to have the EMT skills; vitals, patient movement, basic assessment... But you wouldn't be functioning as an EMT. You would simply possess some of the base knowledge that the job requires.

As yes. If you get a job, you'll complete the paperwork and apply for your cert. you'll then wait upwards of 6 weeks to obtain your card.

The biggest problem is that Seattle produces far more EMTs than the area needs. At least 100 every quarter, for less than 20 jobs. That means 8 out of 10 EMT students will not get hired and will not gain certification. If you took your class at North Seattle or Lake Washington, you would have noticed that most of the EMT students were Seattle fire hopefuls, attempting to bolster their chances at getting hired.


Forum Crew Member
I see, I was trained by UNITEK in fremont, CA, because I needed to keep working and couldn't commute to the two schools offering it, so I was unfortunately out of the loop in that regard. I'm really starting to regret going out of state to get my cert, because I feel like a lot of this information would have been available in state.

I've already applied with falck, rural, olympic, and AMR, trimed was further down the list because they really make it a bear to submit an application. So are they going to retain my application for later, or should I apply every month or two again to keep my application in the system?


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I have no idea, but mom always said, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Don't discount TriMed. You'll get great experience there. Same with Seattle AMR. I have friends that worked for R/M and it was mostly just the Renal Rodeo.
I can't speak to Falck or Emerald City. Neither were there when I left Seattle.

Good luck in your search. Let us know how it goes.


Forum Crew Member
A couple things... As Rob said, this area sucks for EMTs. If you're not entirely committed to Seattle, broaden your horizons. I was offered a spot in Colorado but ended up turning it down due to the lousy wages.
A classmate from EMT took a spot in a shipyard as a Medical Coordinator, but I don't know any specifics.
Also, not knowing your background, have you thought about utilizing your EMT creds for another type of work? For instance, my training looked really good to my current employer, even though in the absence of medical direction I'm really only a layperson with 911 on speed dial...though it pays 3x what a new basic EMT makes in Seattle (mostly an entirely different skill set).
Keep your eyes open and you may spot a good one!


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Ah yes. I forgot about the shipyard EMTs. Todd's occasionally has an opening. The seafood production ships also occasionally have openings. I don't think either of those places are "official" EMS agencies, so you may be hired as an EMT, but working as a "first aid provider" without a cert. The same with Wild Waves in Federal Way. They hire EMTs every season, but not an EMS agency, don't count on that kind of job for your cert.


Forum Crew Member
*shudder* wild waves is terrifying. I have a lifeguarding background and there's no way I could ever subject myself to that place. I may be green, but I have my dignity :p Wild waves lifeguards can't lifeguard anywhere but wild waves. famously bad.

I did see the medical coordinator type postings, but didn't apply because they sounded like they were a little more advanced than what I had. Seems now like that may be wrong. I'll look into it, thanks!


Forum Crew Member
I just got a call back from the emerald city ambulance startup company that was posted on craigslist, have an interview with them tomorrow. Glad I came here, this website was where I found them.

Even if they only last six months or so, they are a valid sponsor for my state cert, and experience is what I'm after!


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Make sure you give us the lowdown on that company. I know I'm curious

And I worked at Wild Waves for a season. Easy money as a medic.
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Has no idea what I'm doing.
Let us know how the interview goes and what they are like and what their goals are. Kind curious.


Forum Crew Member
well, I got offered the job, starting at $10/hr (slightly less than I make as a lifeguard, but I'm not too concerned, though it has benefits as well) and I jumped on it. Even if it doesn't last long, I'm hungry for experience, and they're a sponsored company.

Basic info: they are expanding from a small company in california, I think the company is called "california ambulance," though I might be incorrect. Right now (here in seattle,) they have an apartment for the 24 hour shifts (they're offering 4x10's and 7x24's) and two ambulances, a van and a big box.

Their plans are to start sometime in july, exclusively patient transport, though he mentioned wanting to expand to 911 in the untouched corners of king county. Seemed like they know how saturated the market is here, so his plans seem more to expand outward than focus on building a particularly large segment in Seattle. But again, I could be wrong, so please don't take this as concrete.

Is there any other info you guys want? The guy that interviewed me seems very no-nonsense about it, came across like he's not afraid to let staff go that aren't pulling their weight. But he was very friendly and seems to have a smart professional standard.
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I know a guy who knows a guy.
Did they say where they were going to base the trucks? Pill Hill in Seattle or Northgate? When I did the pro transport one thing in Seattle, we kept the truck in Ballard, just to do the Swedish Ballard transfers. Sounds like an opportunity that you shouldn't pass up, with the way things are in Seattle. Take it, learn as much as you can and keep applying at TriMed and AMR.

At the very least you'll learn how to get to the hospitals, and more importantly, how to get from Parkland and Kline- Galland to Seattle Kidney Center.


Forum Probie
Just an FYI you might want to do some more research and ask a few more questions. I got off the phone with the EMS agency licensing section at WA DOH and they said they have not heard of Emerald City Ambulance and they don't currently have an EMS license in Washington State. It sounds like it's not an overnight process so if they haven't started it they won't be running in Seattle any time soon...


I know a guy who knows a guy.
This is VERY true. It takes a while to get through the DOH process. PT1 was still in the process of getting Trauma Certification so they could try for a 911 contract when they closed the doors.


Forum Ride Along
Great info on this Emrald City thing, I think it could be something to pursue. I'm a little weary applying for a job with a company that isint established yet, although this could be a good opportunity to get in on the ground floor.