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    Role Reversal...

    we spend a lot of time learning how to approach the first minutes of patient encounters... in those first moments, before patient "contact" begins, we are sizing up the scene, gathering initial impressions, etc... at this point, before the interaction has begun, we are already formulating...
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    "Ion Adventure in the Heartland"

    Hi there... i am currently studying Dr Dale Dubin's Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, which i find to be extremely well written, and excellent teaching material... apparently, he has another book called "Ion Adventure in the Heartland"... is anyone familiar with this book? can anyone...
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    Uniform question

    hi... we are looking to replace our Polo shirts with new ones... anyone have any that are comfortable, and that you like? thanks.
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    Burns and Cold

    hi folks... in our system, we have been instructed not to apply COLD to burns... the reason being, that while cooling the burn more quickly, it will constrict the blood vessels to the injury site, preventing needed nutrients from getting to the injured tissue... however, i'm fairly...
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    Pathology of type 2 diabetes

    Hi... recently heard a professor lecture about type 2 diabetes... the pathology, according to her, lies with a problem with the insulin receptors... they do not all function properly, and at many sites, the insulin is not binding to the receptors, causing an inability of the body to use...
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    Coumadin and the Elderly

    in a recent conversation i had with our ER director, he mentioned that he thought in general, elderly patients who fall are under-triaged by EMS. he believed that elderly patients, on Coumadin or Plavix, are often SEVERELY under-triaged by EMS, and that it was going to become a bigger issue...
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    Crew Resource Management: Teamwork and Communication

    Hi guys... there are many very skilled medics and emt's... what seems to set some crews apart, is the idea of Crew Resource Management. Adopted from the aviation industry (Cockpit Resource management), where they found mistakes being made by very skilled pilots during times of stress...
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    Head Injuries and ICP

    i wanted to talk about head injuries and ICP... i know about cushing's triad, and what to look for S/S wise... seems to me, though, that one of the best things we can do pre-hospital wise is try to prevent the things that cause ICP to rise from happening... i know that CO2 is a strong...
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    Acls Meds

    if participants are willing, i would like to discuss (read learn) about the physiological effects of the ACLS meds... how exactly they work on the body... i have some understanding of the Beta 1 and 2 receptors, the Alpha receptors, the sodium/potassium pump, and the role of calcium for...
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    Ok... so, i understand that an SPO2 reading of 90 correlates with a PaO2 reading of 60... and that this is a critical level to remain above... i want to check my understanding of why... is this the point on the oxygen desaturation curve, where below this point, desaturation occurs swiftly? is...
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    Glabellar Tap Reflex

    has anyone ever used the Glabellar Tap reflex to check for the presence of a gag reflex in an unresponsive patient?
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    Pulse Pressure and Tracheal Deviation

    I am wondering... i am learning the significance of narrowing pulse pressures, with regards to reduced cardiac output.... specifically, with chest injuries, such as a Tension Pneumo, narrowing pulse pressure is a significant finding, indicating compression of the vena cavas... in EMT class, we...
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    The Most Commonly Prescribed Meds 2007

    Hi... does anyone know how to find the most commonly prescribed meds for 2007? my basic googling is not turning up what i am looking for... any ideas? thanks
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    working codes in the field

    hi... i was wondering if you have protocols as to when to work codes in the field, vs. working them during transport... pros and cons of working it in the field? thanks.
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    Prehospital Fibrinolysis

    it appears, the next wave of EMS improvements will be in the area of acute cardiac care... hypothermic treatments have been discussed on other threads... there is now a growing chorus for widespread prehospital fibrinolysis for STEMI patients... what is the sentiment about this...
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    The Lowest Common Denominator

    As i have read and participated in these threads for many many months now, i have often wondered why threads often deteriorate into Medic vs. Basic, etc. many basics out here are motivated, competent and desire to learn more... here's the thing... one theme among everyone is that the public...
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    Pressure differentials and body systems

    the more i learn, the more i realize that most of the body systems rely on pressure differentials to function... whether it be lower intrathoracic pressure differences, partial pressures of oxygen, cascading to gas exchange, starlings law and ejection fractions, blood pressures to perfuse vital...
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    Compensated Shock

    with regards to the body's compensating mechanisms for hypoperfusion... increased HR, peripheral vasoconstriction, cool clammy skin, increased RR, etc... with regards to the BP... my understanding is that it is the CO X Peripheral resistance (afterload)... as the CO drops, the body...
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    Beta-blocker toxicity

    Hi... i was wondering... is beta-blocker toxicity a common pre-hospital finding?
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    Lights And Pov's And Jump Kits, Oh My!

    Just seriously curious about this... after having read and seen many, many posts on this forum for quite a while... i am always struck by the fact the threads about Pov's and lights and tools and emt kits, etc get many more posts than threads about patient care, as a rule... is it...