Recent content by Lamiae

  1. Lamiae

    Trendelenburg's Position in field

    In my AEMT class, the instructor stated that the Trendelenburg's Position was not commonly used in the field. Instead, fluids were given. Could someone tell me why, please? Thank you.
  2. Lamiae

    nicotine testing?

    At the Med Center of Central Georgia, they had a no-nicotine policy for EMS when I did my clinical hours. At the time, I was a smoker and the policy killed me.
  3. Lamiae

    Repurposed Ambulance

    Saw this on GA-316. To quote a friend, "I would never buy a used ambulance, unless it was cheap. I think we all know the abuse (both required and recreational) they get put through." What are your thoughts?
  4. Lamiae

    AlanShore here!

    Welcome aboard, AlanShore. It's good to have another friendly face among us.
  5. Lamiae

    concealed weapon carry

    This is a very good point and I just wanted to emphasize it. As providers, our safety should always come first. You should never hesitate to call for LEOs on-scene if you suspect they are needed. As stated, the best protective item we have is our brain. The way I view asking for police...
  6. Lamiae

    MCIs in Georgia

    I would like to thank everyone who responded. =) It gave me things to mull over as I studied the MCI procedures. I appreciate the replies of everyone who didn't mind answering a student's question.
  7. Lamiae

    MCIs in Georgia

    I am in the process of obtaining my EMT-P licence for Central Georgia (Macon). In the classes, we've gone over MCI (mass-casualty incidents) procedures, and this gave me a curiosity. How frequently will I be faced with what would be considered an MCI as a paramedic. Thanks in advance for...
  8. Lamiae

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Welcome! :)
  9. Lamiae

    Why was cricoid pressure stopped?

    Thanks everyone. I asked one instructor why it was no longer used, and he stated that it was because (1)too much pressure was applied and (2)patients could vomit, tearing esophageal tissue. I was slightly confused by his second reason, because the Sellick maneuver is to not only prevent...
  10. Lamiae

    Why was cricoid pressure stopped?

    I'm an AEMT/EMT-I student now and I am currently learning about delivering oxygen. Yesterday, we covered the usage of a bag-mask device with a reservoir. In background research, I read about the three-person bag-mask technique where one provider is performing the Sellick maniver/applying cricoid...
  11. Lamiae

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hello everyone, I'm Lamiae. I'm a current EMT-B student in the center of Georgia; and my goal is to move up to paramedic-level certification. I've run across this site while doing research into classwork, and I've found it very useful and helpful. I'm glad to be a member.