Recent content by eprex

  1. eprex

    This makes me mad

    I don't see any reason to be mad here. The firefighters and medic took a risk, as they tend to do, and it paid off. They are not giving you a bad name or denigrating the trade. Not to mention it's Portland, so who knows how different that area may be compared to say NYC or Los Angeles, etc.
  2. eprex

    Moving out of state and recertification

    Geez, dead forum! So I skipped out on the class, which is a shame, because it is to my understanding that it would have counted for the national certification. Bummer!
  3. eprex

    Moving out of state and recertification

    I am a NY certified EMT who is moving to Michigan this summer and will remain there for at least 4 years. My certification expires in approximately two years. I was planning to participate in a 3-day course that would provide all of the CME's needed to re-cert. First question: Would these...
  4. eprex

    What is causing this seizure?

    Let us know about the abdominal pain before you reveal the diagnosis next time! Please:ph34r:
  5. eprex

    19 Year Old Male ALOC

    I would have (and you hit most of these) Gotten a set of vitals immediately Gone to the nearest ER. This is a true emergency Ventilated him way sooner
  6. eprex

    EMT weight lift requirements

    A respectable number for squats and deadlifts are body weightx1.5 and body weightX2 respectively, in my opinion. I'm not saying your trainer sucks if he can't lift his own body weight with the deadlift, but he's definitely extremely weak.
  7. eprex

    EMT weight lift requirements

    Deadlifts, squats, farmer's walk. Don't need the exorbitant amount of money for a trainer or crossfit. There is no secret to getting strong; it's simply diet and focused, consistent training.
  8. eprex

    Why don't a lot of EMTs go on to paramedic school?

    I think I've posted in this thread before but here's another angle- The same reason most people stay paralegals instead of becoming lawyers or remaining secretaries instead of becoming managers, so on and so forth. People are lazy, get complacent, get stuck in the grind. It's human nature to be...
  9. eprex

    Packing a lunch

    Cooking in bulk is the way to go in terms of time and money. Some good stuff I got at trader joes Bananas Kiwis Trail mix Cranberry/blueberry bran muffins Cultured coconut milk with vanilla Quinoa bread Greek yogurt Blueberries
  10. eprex

    EMS With Felonies

  11. eprex


    You're a paramedic, he's an EMT. I apologize if you already noticed this. EMT's at my job make $12.50, while paramedics make $20 but we also live in one of the more expensive areas in the country.
  12. eprex

    Packing a lunch

    Personally a cold cut sand which is okay once in awhile, but they really aren't great for you. When I do get cold cuts it's low sodium and no nitrates added.
  13. eprex

    Packing a lunch

    Anything that's good cold or unheated. I try and eat the meal ASAP so it's not sitting too long. Chicken, fish, fruit (whole or dried), vegetables, cornbread, nuts, rice, yogurt, protein shake or fruit smoothie. Sushi has always grossed me out but I'm tempted to try it and get into it...
  14. eprex

    EMS With Felonies

    Time is key here. Nobody wants to employ a felon, and yet there's a big difference between someone with multiple charges over a span of time or of recent date compared to the individual with a felony charge in distant history. People should be able to overcome their mistakes in my opinion and...
  15. eprex

    EMS Question - Paramedic Immediately after Basic?

    Having some experience is great, but you could probably accomplish that by being a "buff" for a few months and getting tons of calls under your belt. A lot of these seasoned vets seem to get complacent and that's not a good thing.