the 100% directionless thread

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It's a shame that VTach self corrected. That could have ended your white cloud status with a bang. Or, a zap, if you prefer.

I had one of those the other day. And it was a BLS call! Luckily we were an ALS unit, Pt went from talking to us, V-Tach, Shock, Back awake. Biggest complaint from the pt? You poked my finger for a glucose.
I had one of those the other day. And it was a BLS call! Luckily we were an ALS unit, Pt went from talking to us, V-Tach, Shock, Back awake. Biggest complaint from the pt? You poked my finger for a glucose.

My favorite is really sick patients complaining about how tight the BP cuff is. I've always wanted to call something like that in as "Arm discomfort secondary to sepsis" or whatever the issue is.
My favorite is really sick patients complaining about how tight the BP cuff is. I've always wanted to call something like that in as "Arm discomfort secondary to sepsis" or whatever the issue is.

I would go, "Well, that's a VERY GOOD thing. You heart just stopped, and the cuff getting tight means your pressure is up! Your heart is working real good right now!"
I had one of those the other day. And it was a BLS call! Luckily we were an ALS unit, Pt went from talking to us, V-Tach, Shock, Back awake. Biggest complaint from the pt? You poked my finger for a glucose.

Wasn't a BLS call for long! Haha
ROSC and a COPD exacerbation that was really legit in the literal middle of the tornado
A coworker offered me $100 and 200 rounds of ammo to work for him today. I actually feel bad about accepting.
Bunkering isn't an answer, booked it to St Anthonys and sheltered inside. Wasnt that bad. The funnel was more of a mass of watery shrapnel, but it didnt do much damage.
Bunkering isn't an answer, booked it to St Anthonys and sheltered inside. Wasnt that bad. The funnel was more of a mass of watery shrapnel, but it didnt do much damage.

Ahh. I was under the impression y'all were onscene still.
So it looks like there's going to be a wedding tomorrow on Game of Thrones. I love weddings!
What thread was it that we were recently talking about motion sickness and meds to help w/ it?
The black cloud is returning....worst breather I've personally ever seen. COPD exacerbation, fire bagging in a treatment when we got there, moved to the box, tried to CPAP, went into respiratory arrest. Was 66% in the house, by the time we got to the ER I had to pull my OPA because he was gagging on it. On 25 LPM through the bag and 8 LPM through the NRB we got him into the low 90s met by an ER doc wielding sux, etomidate and a glide scope. Probably the fastest nice ever seen someone tubed. Cool call though. Was setting up to intubated when he started gagging, decided to just BLS him since we were getting good compliance, we were bumping own the road code 3 and we didn't have a super long transport time. 8 minutes lights and sirens. Had a few say I should have done an NTI but he was in respiratory does that work?

Then a legit polypharm OD, a pair of profoundly hypotensive syncopes, an MVA with 10, yes 10 patients. 7 of which were pediatric patients. No transports out of that one though. Got toned for. Boat prop versus human but us, fire, HEMS and the PD chopper where unable to locate then he magically popped up at the trauma center. Gotta love homeboy life support!

Is it bad to say I'm glad? I was going stir crazy with all the BS we were running.