the 100% directionless thread


Forum Lieutenant
you mean "why you shouldn't text and drive" right? lol

That was the quote in the e-mail so I was just passing it along.

I would really like to know the out come of this. Did the driver get hit, was there a passenger in the SUV?? If so what is her status??




Forum Deputy Chief
Sitting in the ER......waiting.......yeaaaaa meeeeee.......


Forum Troll
That was the quote in the e-mail so I was just passing it along.

I would really like to know the out come of this. Did the driver get hit, was there a passenger in the SUV?? If so what is her status??

from what i can see in the picture it looks like there was only a driver. and i dont see any blood (that doesnt mean much). the SUV looks to intact for there to have been a passenger. the guard rail goes right thru the passenger side of the SUV. so in order for the passenger to get out it looks like the SUV would have to be cut in multipul places. (just from what i see. i could be wrong)


Forum Lieutenant


Forum Lieutenant
from what i can see in the picture it looks like there was only a driver. and i dont see any blood (that doesnt mean much). the SUV looks to intact for there to have been a passenger. the guard rail goes right thru the passenger side of the SUV. so in order for the passenger to get out it looks like the SUV would have to be cut in multipul places. (just from what i see. i could be wrong)

That is what I was thinking, but you never know until you read the report (about the passenger, could have be in infant).


Forum Lieutenant


Forum Deputy Chief
Thanks for the vote of confidence. When I was doing CCT I found the part I enjoyed the most was ventilatory management (not just PPV, overall respiratory status), and it's been the thing I miss the most. Throw in a son with asthma, and my path has been kinda clear for a while. What's taken me longer than I would like is to get up the courage to completely change directions for a while.

Just watch out for the severely limited career path choices that you get with RT vs RN. We play a vital role, but our role is very "narrow". I love the clinical aspects of RT but it does get old and start to grind on you as one ages (just like anything else in medicine) and the lack of lateral and upward mobility like you see in nursing along with ever increasing levels of inane politics (in the profession itself....and I mean really, really stupid politics; not going into that further publicly lest I draw VentMedic's lurking altergo into a foam in the corner of her mouth "you're a blight on the face of the profession" hissy fit debacle like happened before she was banned the last time) are making me leave it for greener pastures. I will continue to volunteer and maybe pick up a shift here and there, but as far as a day to day job in a hospital, I just don't have the tolerance for that anymore.

That said, if I can ever be of assistance if you do go to RT school, please feel free to PM me.

the SUV looks to intact for there to have been a passenger.
Rule #1 of Injury Patterns: What the vehicle looks like means exactly jack :censored::censored::censored::censored: as far as what the patient/victim will look like.

For a guardrail through the cab like that, the vehicle can look relatively find and the victim still winds up looking like hamburger and potentially being scattered everywhere from the dashboard to the road. Been there, seen it, got the photos I'm not allowed to post due to legal issues to prove it.
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Forum Lieutenant
I was not there and this was passed off to me so I do not think I am legal. I hope I am, if not I am next on the ban list


Forum Troll
Rule #1 of Injury Patterns: What the vehicle looks like means exactly jack :censored::censored::censored::censored: as far as what the patient/victim will look like.

For a guardrail through the cab like that, the vehicle can look relatively find and the victim still winds up looking like hamburger and potentially being scattered everywhere from the dashboard to the road. Been there, seen it, got the photos I'm not allowed to post due to legal issues to prove it.

yeah i know and i have seen that. i was just basing it off of what i saw in the picture. the scene looks too "clean" so speaking for there to be involvement by EMS and possibly fire. just speaking from what i have seen.


Forum Deputy Chief
You in the ER for IFT, drop off, or are you being seen?? Hope all is well

Not me being seen. But my sister snowboarded head first into a tree today on the hill. Thank God she was wearing a helmet. She ended up having a simple Cantu Grade III concussion. CT was negative for any bleeding.

She thinks she was out for around 5 minutes, does not remember much after the hit, and has been dizzy and nauseated on and off all afternoon. So we took her in just to be safe. At least now I know it's just a concussion and not a bleed. ;-) So I am not so worried any more.


Forum Deputy Chief
I'm glad to hear she is doing well. Have the George of the Jungle and Sonny Bono jokes started yet? I speak of this as someone who skied into a tree himself and endured that crap for two solid months. My coworkers at the ambulance service actually cracked my phone and changed the ringtone to the George of the Jungle theme song and then a few days later to "I Got You Babe" (a song, as much as I hate to admit it, I actually happen to like for some peculiar reason).


Forum Deputy Chief
Not me being seen. But my sister snowboarded head first into a tree today on the hill. Thank God she was wearing a helmet. She ended up having a simple Cantu Grade III concussion. CT was negative for any bleeding.

She thinks she was out for around 5 minutes, does not remember much after the hit, and has been dizzy and nauseated on and off all afternoon. So we took her in just to be safe. At least now I know it's just a concussion and not a bleed. ;-) So I am not so worried any more.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope all turns out well. She was fortunate that it wasn't a bleed. Taking her to a hospital for a scan was the right choice. After all, you don't want to wait til the Lucid interval then the fall-out to realize that someone has an epidural hematoma if you can help it. I'd say she will have a pretty bad headache for the next few days, but that is a lot better than a sudden drop in BP.

All the best, bro.


Forum Deputy Chief
Thanks y'all. She is doing fine now. She is asleep. The doc said she will probably have severe headaches and possibly nausea, dizziness, mood swings, trouble concentrating and maybe even trouble sleeping for several days to weeks. On the scan we all figured much much much better safe than sorry. Especially since you only get one brain. ;-) Besides, that's what you pay into insurance for years and years for. Right?

I told her, next time hit a little harder and lose consciousness for a little longer and you will get a helicopter ride to the city. :p Yes.....I was kidding.


Forum Chief
Having a serious talk with The Girl... this is an interesting night. Skype is a wonderful invention


Forum Chief


Forum Chief
Oh good. Just sounded originally like it could be either good or bad. Good luck!

Lol that it could :) And it could almost maybe possibly be because I miss her and just wanted to see her on Skype while we talked :p Plus I'm very bored at work.


Mediocre at best
Lol that it could :) And it could almost maybe possibly be because I miss her and just wanted to see her on Skype while we talked :p Plus I'm very bored at work.

how cute.