Why are most in EMS such jerks?

Old fart...
More than half this forum will not get the reference sadly...

The other half will...even more sadly. :)
Im not even thirty and i got that

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Some people are jerks because they suffer from depression, are arrogant, demigods, insecure or just plain miserable.

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I have Aspergers and have social difficulties. I feel most I worked with are quick to jidge if there are any "flaws".[/QUOTE]
Do those flaws involve patient care? Because i have an extremely high standard of care for myself, and i tend to hold those who work with me to the same. So if you arent critically thinking, educating, lurking here, listening to podcasts, ect, then i have little patience or time for you. I hate people who say "Well im JUST and EMT" as if thats an excuse

I have Aspergers and have social difficulties. I feel most I worked with are quick to jidge if there are any "flaws".
Do those flaws involve patient care? Because i have an extremely high standard of care for myself, and i tend to hold those who work with me to the same. So if you arent critically thinking, educating, lurking here, listening to podcasts, ect, then i have little patience or time for you. I hate people who say "Well im JUST and EMT" as if thats an excuse[/QUOTE]
I like the cut of your jib, sir.
Honestly, I think we live in a world where people feel they are entitled to everything before proving themselves. Not that this is happening to you OP but what happened to proving yourself first? You can't expect to walk into a new job and be liked and buddy buddy with everyone, it just doesn't happen that way. It's not just EMS, it's every job. Grow a thick skin, shut your mouth and open your ears and learn. Blaming others for the way they act because it offends/upsets you is not the way to go.

That's not meant to be harsh in anyway but OP so please don't take it that way.
Do those flaws involve patient care? Because i have an extremely high standard of care for myself, and i tend to hold those who work with me to the same. So if you arent critically thinking, educating, lurking here, listening to podcasts, ect, then i have little patience or time for you. I hate people who say "Well im JUST and EMT" as if thats an excuse
I like the cut of your jib, sir.[/QUOTE]
This came to mind lol

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