The Gun Thread

Probably start with a complete lower my first time around. But I do love the idea of starting with an 80% lower and enjoying the benefits of that.

Thats what I did at first. Bought a completed lower and built that way. Now I have 2 80%'s sitting at home. One is already drilled out, I just have to mill it with my router.

Pro tip if you're going to go the 80% route. 80% arms has a jig that will allow you to do it with a hand drill, however after a couple holes my batteries died in my (cordless) drill and impact driver. I went to Harbor Freight and bought their drill press for like $60. Does the job fine. I would also recommend buying 80% arms router bit. The ones at the local hardware stored aren't the correct length meaning they don't go deep enough to properly mill the receiver.
-_- For my state:

"Acquiring any firearm within the State requires a permit from your county Chief of Police. You must be 21 years old and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien. You will be fingerprinted and photographed for a criminal background check, and you must affirm by affidavit your mental health and lack of drug or alcohol addiction or criminal background. You authorize release of your medical history and give the name, phone number, and address of your doctor (if any). You are not required to have a doctor or provide a medical clearance. Your doctor is required to release any mental health information pertinent to your acquiring firearms. A drunk driving record, history of serious psychiatric diagnosis, a medical cannabis prescription, or any treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, will result in denial of your permit. A letter from a physician will be required to establish that you are “no longer adversely affected.”
You must wait 14 days for your permit. Permits not picked up by the 6th day after the 14-day waiting period will be voided. Applicants will have to reapply and go through another 14-day waiting period.
Individual permits to acquire handguns are required for each transaction and must be used with 10 days of issue. A permit to acquire shotguns and rifles is good for one year from the date of issue for any number of transactions."

Permits to acquire handguns, shotguns, and rifles... smh...
This is an EMS forum, not a gun forum. In the past threads about guns have not ended well and resulted in some members receiving forum vacations.
When have we had any issue recently? It's usually the same core group of us talking about hunting or new builds anyway.
I’ve always wanted to build but then I just find one I like and then there’s no need to build.
Maybe I’ll branch out next year.
I was signed up for Gunsite Academy's 3-day pistol course in Nashville in the middle of January, but I just got an email last night saying it was cancelled due to low enrollment.

I have really been looking forward to that class.
I was signed up for Gunsite Academy's 3-day pistol course in Nashville in the middle of January, but I just got an email last night saying it was cancelled due to low enrollment.

I have really been looking forward to that class.

Remi, there's a store called Guns and Leather with branches in Hendersonville and Greenbrier. They offer several courses, rentals, and in-house ranges. I've been pleased with their service.
An AR-10.
I have one myself more of a for fun gun, I don’t see much practicality to the platform due to its weight. They’re pretty cool with being able to use so many cartridges with the at platforms. But they’re so heavy compared to a synthetic bolt action. Would love a rem 700 in 7mm mag
Anyone here a Front Sight member?
Anyone here a Front Sight member?
My girlfriend’s father is. He just attended one of their classes last month. Said it was a great class.
So I picked up the ancient Taurus M82 I left with my Dad a few years ago, and I miss it. For a Model 10 clone from the 70s, it still locks up well and looks classy.
I’m a lifetime member.
* I should have added details.
I am a member, but due to their practice I have never gone out there. Just wanted to see what others have heard/experienced.
I really want to get a single-action revolver in a centerfire caliber, a 30-30 or 45-70, and maybe a bolt action rifle
I really want to get a single-action revolver in a centerfire caliber, a 30-30 or 45-70, and maybe a bolt action rifle

I'm not criticizing -- just curious: Why get a pistol chambered for such a big cartridge?
I'm not criticizing -- just curious: Why get a pistol chambered for such a big cartridge?
Probably a glutton for punishment... Personally I prefer to be able to continue having feeling in my hands after shooting each round.
I was thinking more along the lines of a 38 or 45 LC and a rifle in 30/30 or 45-70, but wouldn’t be ppposed to a lever action carbine in the same caliber. A 45-70 pistol would be interesting