the 100% directionless thread


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Well no sooner than I say what I did, I run into an airway that the airtraq didn't do great at. Honestly, I think it was largely a blade sizing error on my part, but I'm still learning the nuances of a channeled blade. I like it for the most part, but I still prefer my McGrath. There are some limitations of channeled blades I'm finding as I use it that I'm not a fan of. When everything fits and it's a clean airway they're awesome, but that's not always the case.
I’ve totally chugged the channeled blade koolaid. An AirTraq, coupled with SALAD, is my jam.


Forum Deputy Chief
Alright. So we've been out of contract with the City since last July. In the meantime they've basically just treated it as "frozen" everyone still getting paid the same and all that as under the old contract.
Only problem with everything being frozen in place is that my class was supposed to get a Pay Step increase in August, but we're still frozen at the lower step.

Negotiations between the City and the Union had to go to Arbitration, and came back with a decision. New 4 year contract taking effect in July, but step movements will be retroactive back to when last contract ended, so as soon as the new one goes into effect, we'll (finally) get our Step increase.
No word on of we'll get awarded any back pay, but doubtful.
On the bright side, is on top of the Step, we're getting an Across-The-Board 3% Pay raise with the new contract. In fact it's 3% this year, then next July (2023) we'll get another 4% ATB pay raise, and then another 4% ATB Raise in July 2024 for the last year of the new contract.

So that's def nice.

It's not quite finalized, Still has to be formally approved by the City council, and written into the budget, but that should (hopefully) just be a mere formality at this point.


Forum Deputy Chief
I’ve totally chugged the channeled blade koolaid. An AirTraq, coupled with SALAD, is my jam.
Are you not having more difficulty fitting in a ducanto suction cath with it? And any experience using a bougie to guide uncooperative tubes? So far I'm 3/4 with it and I know my 1 was a mix between learning the nuances and not having fully woken up for the call to effectively troubleshoot. I'm sure I'll learn it better in time, but it is a bit annoying when it's an airway I know with 100% certainty I'd have gotten with my McGrath set up.


The New Beach Medic
What do you mean by uncooperative tube? What's happening? Is it getting into the esophagus or hung up on the arytenoid cartilage?


Forum Deputy Chief
What do you mean by uncooperative tube? What's happening? Is it getting into the esophagus or hung up on the arytenoid cartilage?
In this instance, nothing. Open to interpretation based on personal experience.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I made the mistake of buying a mountain bike frame when I know mostly nothing about building a mountain bike... Or mountain biking in general.

This is going to be expensive 😅


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I made the mistake of buying a mountain bike frame when I know mostly nothing about building a mountain bike... Or mountain biking in general.

This is going to be expensive 😅

If it makes you feel better its expensive regardless if you know what you're doing or not.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I'm currently researching wheel sets as I'm a heavier guy and would rather not be replacing them often... So far I'm seeing a lot of recommendations for dt swiss. The only nice thing about building my own is I can spread the large cost out over time.


The New Beach Medic
In this instance, nothing. Open to interpretation based on personal experience.
You're using a channel blade, right? If the tube is going into the esophagus, you might be too close and need to scoot the blade back a little. I find that you still need to lift a little bit like you would with DL. In my own experience with KingVision Channel blade, if I loaded the channel with the tube and bougie in it, if I heavily curved the bougie before loading it in, it had the tendency to point upward and be successful even if the blade was in the improper spot (ie grade 3 epiglottis view only, the blade is too far OR when I could see the vocal cords without the epiglottis, the blade was too close). You can also skip using the channel and put the bougie outside of the channel to tube, but since channel blades tend to not displace tissue, it has the tendency to point down into the esophagus, tube or bougie. You can resolve this using something rigid like suction (eg DuCanto or we had SCCOR "big stick") to put into the vocal cord, the bougie through the suction, and then shimmy the suction off the bougie (or have your airway partner slide the suction off for you) to replace with a tube.


The New Beach Medic
I can count on my hands the number of times I've cooked in the past decade. Looked up simple receipes online and decided to do baked chicken, potatoes, and carrots. It turned out good.

Doc Carter

Forum Ride Along
this is a thread that has no specific topic. since it has no specific topic, it is absolutely impossible for us to be off topic. please feel free to chime in with whatever you darn well feel like. lyrics of your favorite song, the weather where you are, a detailed play by play of your last call, the contents of your left pocket. anything. lets just let it flow. remember, since there is no main topic to begin with, at no point can this thread ever be off topic, so we'll have none of that "lets stay on topic" business. cant be done. there isnt one. of course, all other rules apply. lets see how long we can keep thing going.

so, to begin this completely topicless thread, its raining right now, im watching house and am considering a snack of some kind.

tell me something random from your life today, or anything else.
I am new to this group. I trained as a 91A Army Medical Specialist then 91B Field or Combat Medic then 91C Clinical Specialist. I served in the 1st Cav in Vietnam in the 1/9th Cav and 15th Medical Battalion. Came home in 73 got my EMTB then A/Paramedic thumped around in rescue trucks for a decade and ended up as Chief of Rescue. Went back to school again got my nursing degree and after thumping around for a few years as a Nurse/Paramedic in ER’s and responding with SWAT as a Medic. Then went back to the military as an Army Reserve Nurse and was Commissioned.

Doc Carter

Forum Ride Along
this is a thread that has no specific topic. since it has no specific topic, it is absolutely impossible for us to be off topic. please feel free to chime in with whatever you darn well feel like. lyrics of your favorite song, the weather where you are, a detailed play by play of your last call, the contents of your left pocket. anything. lets just let it flow. remember, since there is no main topic to begin with, at no point can this thread ever be off topic, so we'll have none of that "lets stay on topic" business. cant be done. there isnt one. of course, all other rules apply. lets see how long we can keep thing going.

so, to begin this completely topicless thread, its raining right now, im watching house and am considering a snack of some kind.

tell me something random from your life today, or anything else.

Doc Carter

Forum Ride Along
I am new to this group. I trained as a 91A Army Medical Specialist then 91B Field or Combat Medic then 91C Clinical Specialist. I served in the 1st Cav in Vietnam in the 1/9th Cav and 15th Medical Battalion. Came home in 73 got my EMTB then A/Paramedic thumped around in rescue trucks for a decade and ended up as Chief of Rescue. Went back to school again got my nursing degree and after thumping around for a few years as a Nurse/Paramedic in ER’s and responding with SWAT as a Medic. Then went back to the military as an Army Reserve Nurse and was Commissioned.
I am now a DNP teaching Medics/Tactical Medics/Flight Nursing. I still go out on calls at 72 it’s becoming more evident I am too old to throw someone over my shoulder and run. In my life I hired on as medic aboard a research vessel looking for Titanic and a climbing expedition at Mt Ararat looking for Noah’s Ark.


The New Beach Medic
For the first time ever, I tried cooking eggs over easy. Usually just do scamble eggs or omelet, but never eggs over easy. I am a pretty boring eater. I cooked three at once in a small pan, about the size of my spachula, so one broke. :( Was a pretty good breakfast that I ate for lunch. The corn beef was from a can. XD

Pic of the one pan chicken, potato, and carrots I made the other night.

Can't believe I am cooking. I almost never cook. Just doing it to try to eat healthier since I've been eating like trash my 2 weeks on in Kansas. Normally the San Francisco Bay Area where I live at has a lot of good local healthy restaurants to eat at. If you look up best restaurants to eat in Western Kansas, it'll pop up "Burger King, Subway, Dairy Queen, etc." My favorite fast food place is Chick-Fil-A and the closest one to me is 160 miles away! I love coffee and I am not even very happy with the coffee here. The local place is cute, but their coffee taste like tea to roobois tea to me. Thankfully they got a Starbucks inside a Target. I am very lazy so I rather not cook usually, lol. I am little impressed I am doing it though. I figured save money and try to eat healthier.



By the way, I bring that Grogu (Baby Yoda) doll like everywhere I go. I must look absolutely insane to everyone (work, planes, restaurants, landmarks), but I started doing it for fun since I am away from my parents and we all like the Mandalorian. Before I started doing travel, my parents bought me a bunch of Grogu dolls and stuff so I figured I'd start taking the smaller one around with me for fun and show my parents pictures of the stuff I am doing or seeing.






I have a million pictures of Grogu.


Forum Deputy Chief

I had a small Teddy I used to carry on patrol (for company and as a distr@ction for kids and jerks). He was kidnapped and assassinated one night and the body parts stuck on my antenna. I was able to rebuild him as a Frankenstein Bear, but the damage was done… The guys “thought “ it was funny. The epic shunning they got from dispatch and records went on for months… I got even personally when the ringleader lateraled to another agency and I had an IN with his Command. He spent years on crap assignments.

Protect Grogu. At ALL costs.


Fire Truck Driver
I'm currently researching wheel sets as I'm a heavier guy and would rather not be replacing them often... So far I'm seeing a lot of recommendations for dt swiss. The only nice thing about building my own is I can spread the large cost out over time.
Just make sure you get the proper sized hubs, correct travel fork and all that. Over the years, width of dropouts and axle types have changed. Dont be me and buy the wrong wheelset for your frame!


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Anyone who has been through the interview process lately, I feel for you. I just interviewed for a senior management position and had multiple interviews with a total of 14 different people. The process was so long and convoluted, I lost interest by about the second week. If the interview process is that fatiguing, can you imagine what it would be like to work there?

E tank

Caution: Paralyzing Agent
Anyone who has been through the interview process lately, I feel for you. I just interviewed for a senior management position and had multiple interviews with a total of 14 different people. The process was so long and convoluted, I lost interest by about the second week. If the interview process is that fatiguing, can you imagine what it would be like to work there?
Good news is it sounds like they're hiring for interviewing.... :cool: All those federal Covid bucks gotta go some where.....