the 100% directionless thread

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I'm afraid I see this as a non-sequiter
Not at all. Look at your truck’s electrical panel. Then compare it to three other ones.
Last night was weird. 2300 auto vs motorcycle on the freeway was fairly normal (even tho the Moped guy was going the wrong way on the off ramp, and had like half a bottle of vodka in his cargo shorts...)

Got back to station just after midnight, woken up at like 0230 for an "Unknown Medical" bop. Getting on the truck, putting on PPEs, CPR in progress comes in on the MDT notes... drive off to the scene, we end up right behind EMS, have to stop, looks like we passed the address... backed up... and found two neighboring houses, whose addresses literally skipped right over the dispatched address.

Cue us, EMS, and PD driving thru the neighborhood trying to find what apparently was a non existent address as far as we could tell. Dispatch reports back that when they called back the only updated info they got off the caller was "look for the gray bike" because apparently two elderly gentleman crashed their bikes into each other? Finally they figured out the call was actually on the opposite side of the island in another Battalion so we all cleared.

Like I get someone calling 911 and being in a bit of a panic and accidentally giving their home address instead of the actual emergency location... but still, you'd think we'd have an actual address we could find, that amd the 3 am two people riding bikes into each other with CPR in progress was a really weird description so idk

Finally at like 0330, someone rang the door bell to our station. Come put to find a smartly dressed, well spoken elderly gentleman saying he wanted checked out because earlier last night he was cleaning something with batteries and thinks he may have breathed in some battery acid and after Google said he could die from that, he wanted to be checked out.

Didn't want to drive to the nearby hospital because he "didn't want to bother anybody" (we had a hard time not rolling our eyes at him) called EMS, took some vitals, told him thats about all we can do, ambulance arrives, he doesn't want to go with them, doesn't want to sit in the hospital... says he'll just go to the VA on his own on the medics advice, then hands us these little tiny pocket bibles as like a thank you? Cuz he's an evangelical...

So yeah, not necessarily a super busy night, but just definitely some odd calls lol
Saved a life.

Pt was going to rehab from the hospital. They pull his IV and he starts bleeding pretty good. They don't notice/care. It's getting all over his gown and blankets. It's just going.

He says every time he goes to the hospital he leaves bleeding and he doesn't care even though it's starting to pool in some places. He's kinda bothered by the hospital and just wants to leave. But he's AMS.

My partner and I grab supplies and with gauze, pressure and tape we stopped the bleed.

He's very welcome for our service. We thought about TQing him. I hear the neck is a good spot. I don't understand why basics can't take ALS calls, we're obviously very skilled. Can't wait to move to NJ and become an EMT-C.
Well my ROSC was a whole lot of nothing neurologically as I suspected, but the organ donation team was able to do something. Not sure what got donated, but at least this will help some other folks so I'll call that a win.
Today I went and parked in the Walmart parking lot and thought, "I'm not going back to the hospital. From here I either go home or to die."

I'm home after crisis line and cops.

So ****ing tired of living.
Well, gonna look into DBT. What the heck, it's something to try.
Saved a life.

Pt was going to rehab from the hospital. They pull his IV and he starts bleeding pretty good. They don't notice/care. It's getting all over his gown and blankets. It's just going.

He says every time he goes to the hospital he leaves bleeding and he doesn't care even though it's starting to pool in some places. He's kinda bothered by the hospital and just wants to leave. But he's AMS.

My partner and I grab supplies and with gauze, pressure and tape we stopped the bleed.

He's very welcome for our service. We thought about TQing him. I hear the neck is a good spot. I don't understand why basics can't take ALS calls, we're obviously very skilled. Can't wait to move to NJ and become an EMT-C.
You’re too new to be salty and it’s Rhode Island you’re thinking of.
Clearly EMT-C = EMT-California
That moment when your truck dies right before you enter the intersection and everything is dead. Power steering, brakes, the works and then you're able to glide into a gas station only to drive right next to a guy walking to to another vehicle and they're about to fight and the tweaker guy has a big pipe. Scene not safe. Can't get the truck started and it's escalating. You're close enough to destination you could throw a rock but it's dark and there's pipe man threatening people, screaming, and jumping.

Guy he is gonna fight starts pointing to us. Nice

Last week, One of my supervisors got a little bitter at my resignation and laughed at me when one of my hopes was better equipment and trucks.

Maybe theirs don't land them in hot water like this.

Called police and sat tight. Pipe man disappeared and we got it going again. Leave facility after dropoff and there's a bunch of cops going priority one and pull into gas station and have weapons drawn.

Guess they found pipe man.

We left. Good luck to all.
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