Ok, I made a thread on this a few days ago but no one answered.
Can loud noise make someone who is actively seizing continue seizing?
Not trigger a seizure initially, but keep them in seizure?
I had never heard anything like this before coming to dispatch, and I keep getting in arguments with people over it. For some reason they all think that it's extremely important to tell our callers reporting a seizure that they need to be quiet or else the person won't stop seizing or will go back in to seizure.
I can see why you don't want a ruckus around a confused, potentially combative postictal person, but that's not what this is all about. It's also not some kind of trick to get hysterical people to shut up and give necessary information, they all genuinely believe it's true and very important.
So important, that after a seizure call I got chided for asking relevant questions like "how are they breathing?" "What's their color?" and "do they have any history of seizures?" but not telling them to keep everyone quiet, even though everything sounded calm and quiet on the other line.
UGH. Frustrated. I'm seriously about to track down a neurologist to set them all straight on this. But maybe I really am in the wrong here?