the 100% directionless thread


Idolizes Johnny and Roy
I may switch over maybe at least PRN. How is it there?
It's great at first but eventually you'll stop bonusing regularly even if you try hard and work hard. If you're a paramedic you can possibly get straight in a 911 truck, but as a Basic you're gonna be stranded on day trucks indefinitely because moving to 911 is based on seniority. Day trucks really suck, especially if you're stupid enough to say yes when offered 5 or 6 12s. If you get off the right foot the big boss will think you're awesome. But the pay sucks which forcibly encourages you to pick up too much overtime. PRN you gotta pick up like 1 or 2 shifts a month so if you come on PRN you don't feel the suck as bad. Dispatch for the most part is a bunch of imbeciles. Anger them and you're guaranteed a late call and won't bonus. It's very quickly stopped being worth it.


The New Beach Medic
I keep trying to use vacation. I keep getting denied. I always find new ways to get denied.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I keep trying to use vacation. I keep getting denied. I always find new ways to get denied.

Is it strange that I've NEVER had a vacation request denied? If someone did deny my vacation, I'd probably quit. Even when I was a street medic, it was simply a, "Hi, I'll be away on vacation from January 14th through the 23rd."

Of course, I always made those announcements months in advance and added them to the "vacation calendar" as soon as I had an idea that I was going... but unless you're blatantly breaking an agency policy, I'd just go. There are so many medic positions across the country; you can walk out of one and pick up another with zero difficulties.

When I book a vacation trip with my family, those costs are non-refundable. And I don't request vacation; I state when I will not be in the office, and HR marks the payroll accordingly.

Part of my compensation package includes a copious amount of PTO. I use every moment of it.

If they fire you (or threaten to fire you) over the use of your PTO, it's a lousy place to work anyway.


Forum Troll
I keep trying to use vacation. I keep getting denied. I always find new ways to get denied.
What justification is your AM using to decline your request?


Forum Troll
What does that mean? (I have never had to call in a helecopter)
Staying hot refers to the helicopter being left running and the blades still spinning.

Some crews will open up the ambulance doors and even start bringing the patient out to meet the helicopter as soon as we land. Please don’t do that. Leave the ambulance doors shut and leave the patient inside. We will come to you. It’s much easier to assess and do any initial treatments inside the back of the ambulance.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Staying hot refers to the helicopter being left running and the blades still spinning.

Some crews will open up the ambulance doors and even start bringing the patient out to meet the helicopter as soon as we land. Please don’t do that. Leave the ambulance doors shut and leave the patient inside. We will come to you. It’s much easier to assess and do any initial treatments inside the back of the ambulance.

Also approach from the uphill side.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Is it strange that I've NEVER had a vacation request denied? If someone did deny my vacation, I'd probably quit. Even when I was a street medic, it was simply a, "Hi, I'll be away on vacation from January 14th through the 23rd."

Of course, I always made those announcements months in advance and added them to the "vacation calendar" as soon as I had an idea that I was going... but unless you're blatantly breaking an agency policy, I'd just go. There are so many medic positions across the country; you can walk out of one and pick up another with zero difficulties.

When I book a vacation trip with my family, those costs are non-refundable. And I don't request vacation; I state when I will not be in the office, and HR marks the payroll accordingly.

Part of my compensation package includes a copious amount of PTO. I use every moment of it.

If they fire you (or threaten to fire you) over the use of your PTO, it's a lousy place to work anyway.
To quote Ricky from Breadstick Ricky and the Bossman, "It's a notice of absence, not a request."


The New Beach Medic
Is it strange that I've NEVER had a vacation request denied? If someone did deny my vacation, I'd probably quit. Even when I was a street medic, it was simply a, "Hi, I'll be away on vacation from January 14th through the 23rd."

Of course, I always made those announcements months in advance and added them to the "vacation calendar" as soon as I had an idea that I was going... but unless you're blatantly breaking an agency policy, I'd just go. There are so many medic positions across the country; you can walk out of one and pick up another with zero difficulties.

When I book a vacation trip with my family, those costs are non-refundable. And I don't request vacation; I state when I will not be in the office, and HR marks the payroll accordingly.

Part of my compensation package includes a copious amount of PTO. I use every moment of it.

If they fire you (or threaten to fire you) over the use of your PTO, it's a lousy place to work anyway.
What justification is your AM using to decline your request?

My manager told me I needed to ask >60 days in advance. I only asked 35 days in advance. I don't know the rules enough to challenge him. I am annoyed, but a month should be enough time for me to find coverage. If I don't find coverage, I am the type of person to show up even if I don't want to.

I don't feel like I have any good options job wise. I could talk about it all day. I am really screwed job wise.

- When I left the ambulance, I was a top step paramedic that got paid an additional $1/hour for being a field training officer. You got that $1/hour even if you didn't have a trainee. My pay was $102k annually and it would be $105k today if I was still with the company. Since I left, they will only match me up to step 3, which would be about $81k annually. I would have no seniority for shift bids so I'd work the worst areas and worst hours. It's also super busy.
- When I got hired onto flight, I was offered $78k annually working twice a week. Our schedule was different from everyone else. I ALWAYS worked Friday and Sunday, which resulted in slightly more hours and higher pay.
- Since I worked in California, I got paid overtime after 8 hours and double time after 12 hours. This would reset at midnight. Compared to someone working outside of California with the same pay rate, this is about a $15k annual pay difference.
- They closed my base and I was pretty much put into a position where I could only do travel. The closest base to me is 2 hours, but it is full staffed. My base that closed was 3 hours away.
- When they switched me to travel, I didn't know it immediately, but I lost my daily overtime and double time. My pay went from $78k annually to $63k annually. They were unwilling to renegotiate my pay because I'd be getting a $20k "bonus". I get $4k 3 months in, $4k 6 months in, $4k 1 year in, and $8k 1.5 years in. If I leave early, I am suppose to give this money back, but supposedly they haven't been going after this money. I think with my luck, they'd probably make an example of me.
- They realized they weren't paying market pay. They made a big deal about increasing everyone pay a lot around the same time they were doing this performance review/cost of living adjustment as well. You get up to a 3% increase, but it's based on your performance review. So they were going to increase everyone hourly pay to a competitive rate plus give up to 3% pay increase based on performance. I got a 7 cent raise. When I confronted them on it, they said that travelers already got paid market rate, but not regular flight paramedics so they brought them up to the level that travel paramedics make. I told them I was a regular flight paramedic forced into travel and my pay decreased going to travel! We went back and forth a couple of times, but they were unwilling to renegotiate my pay. The people that didn't screwed like me, that got to stay in California, they got huge pay increases. Then I asked about my 3% performance review thing. What happened to it? We didn't have a base lead at my base so they gave all these tasks to the travelers like me. They also asked for volunteers to do some extra things, and well, I volunteered thinking it would help with my performance review. I really wanted that 3%. They said travelers don't get it. This is the second time I've missed out on that 3% cost of living adjustment performance review thing. For the most part, my pay has only gone down with time at this company...
- At my current base, the new flight paramedic, no prior flight experience, gets paid $6/hour more than I do.
- I feel like I am blacklisted with the only other local flight company that's local to me. It doesn't sound like they have a travel position so I would have to move to get a flight job not with my company. I am unwilling to move.

I could keep trying for that flight company that I feel blacklisted at, but even if they did eventually offer me a job, would they be the same or better than my current company? I don't have a ton of confidence in them.
- After waiting a month to do a fly along with them, they canceled it the night before at 9 PM citing that they wanted to fly flight nurse candidates first. For months, I didn't hear back.
- I got my FP-C, reached out to their HR saying I wanted to update my applications, but they didn't reply back.
- I finally got hired at my current flight job and withdrew my apps. My current company closed the base I was at and I accepted the travel position. By then, Christmas morning... this flight company that I feel blacklisted at contacted me saying they wanted to interview me and asked if I was still interested. I said yes. They never schedule an interview with me. I reached out to them again saying I was still interested. The person who contacted me on Christmas morning didn't reply. I later got an automated message saying that a more qualified candidate was selected (I have flight experience in the area they were hiring in, got my FP-C and CCP-C plus a ton of other training and experience).

They have an open position in Merced, CA. I am accredited in Merced and have flight experience there. I can't bring myself to apply to them. First, I honestly don't believe they'll bother to interview me so it feels like a waste of my time to fill out an application there. I feel like I got a bad reputation I don't know about or maybe they can see I am not a good fit or something. Maybe they met me at the hospital and was like heeeeeck noooo. I dunno. If they were desperate (cause I am probably blacklisted so they'd have to be desperate to interview me) and end up interviewing me, which I don't think they would ever do, and offered me a job, their previous decisions like canceling my fly along at 9 PM after waiting a month and then offering me an interviewing Christmas morning, not interview me, and send me an automated message saying they found a more qualified candidate... Like... What is going to happen to me if I accept the job there? I don't have faith in them. I would feel less secure about my job than I already do. I also don't believe they'd be better than my current job. Nothing tells me they are better. They are just local to me and that's it.

So... move? Go back to my ground job for slightly higher pay, but terrible hours and area, and probably run my arse off running calls back to back? Before my previous ground job, the previous one before that, I was terminated for failing my field training time. My paramedic field training officer told me "Have fun being an EMT", but they ended up just terminating me instead. It left a very bitter taste in my mouth and I don't feel like I'd be happy going to them, if they would even bother to have me. What do I do? Even if they don't give me the days off that I want, is it worth it to lose my job over it? I feel pretty screwed job wise, lol.
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Forum Deputy Chief
My manager told me I needed to ask >60 days in advance.
That's just nuts. Our Battalion Chief hates it if we put in vacation MORE than 30 days in advance (though there's nothing specific in Dept rules/regs/policies to back that up, that's just his preference for approving leave for ....reasons?)

2 weeks is supposed to be our "minimum" lead time. Tho when I submitted my most recent leave paperwork it turned out my requested days were only like 11 or 12 days out (that's what I get for requesting December while still looking at the November calendar lol). But my Captain just sent an extra email to the BC about it, and it was actually approved same day (which is way faster than normal) so I'm not complaining lol