the 100% directionless thread


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Just passed my Chief's Interview for Ambulance Operator position! Job offer is contingent on passing a medical exam, but that shouldn't be a problem :)


Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I've only had one PD escort, and one more lone motorcycle cop attempt to give us one en route to an urgent care facility for a transfer.

The one escort we had was to the trauma center down an interstate for an accidental GSW to the neck, and I can't say it helped at all.

The lone motorcop playing around was a danger to us, himself, and everyone else around him. Our supervisor actually called the PD sergeant afterwards and asked nicely if his officers could avoid doing that in the future. The gesture was very much appreciated, but the concept was flawed.

I agree, with that. Cool gesture, bad performance.

I'm not a fan of it and I will never ask, the last one I couldn't have told them no anyways seeing as it was a LEO's son. I've never had a single vehicle escort. Had a single cop trail us going emergent. The three times I've had it we had 3 or 4 cops and I really don't remember ever coming to a complete stop but I'll admit my concentration was elsewhere. We did get to the hospital really fast though.


Community Leader
Community Leader
Got into work tonight to find a brand spanking new truck awaiting me. Good way to start off a shift!


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Just passed my Chief's Interview for Ambulance Operator position! Job offer is contingent on passing a medical exam, but that shouldn't be a problem :)

Congrats man!


Forum Truck Monkey
Premium Member
Two. Just found out it fits a large Chick-Fil-A lemonade quite nicely. 4 miles in so far this evening, and no sticky disasters.

In that case, you're doing better than me, so put some gloves in your thigh pocket and quit complaining. :)

This is the first service I've ever worked for that didn't have cupholders in the rigs, we have those little floor caddys, and they just aren't the same.


Forum Troll
So we're transporting a patient Code 3 ALS. In our specific system that means the fire department paramedic rescue squad is leading our ambulance, both vehicles lights and sirens.

Anywho, we turn a corner and out the back windows I see an ambulance and rescue squad (from County Fire who has jurisdiction in the areas neighboring our city) coming down the road going the same direction also lights and sirens. They catch up and fall in behind us making a nice little parade of FD Rescue truck, ambulance, ambulance, FD rescue Squad lights and sirens.

Then as we're slowing to clear an intersection, I see the other ambulance get out of the line and start pulling up on our right side so I'm thinking "WTF, are they seriously going to try and pass us??" But nope, they turned right while we went straight.

Funny thing is that we were both going to the same hospital, we just went down a different cross street, which worked for us because as we were pulling into the ER lot we could see them still driving up a block or two away. Needless to say our fd medics were joking with theirs about taking the long way as we wheeled our pt's in lol

I hate running in lines like that. Had most of my close calls being near the back of the line. People are dumb and see one go by and are like sweet I can go! False.

I will admit it is somewhat entertaining with a big parade though. Every pedi arrest I've transported got a PD escort leapfrog style. Definitely helps smooth the ride having PD blocking for us. Less stops and goes.

When I was sent out to New York for hurricane Sandy this was how we had to respond. We had 15 ambulances driving lights and sirens from upstate New York all the way down to New Jersey.

Once we set up our FOB in New York we were sending out as many as 150 ambulances at one time all lights and sirens to do evacs of hospitals. Talk about a train of flashy lights


Forum Troll
In that case, you're doing better than me, so put some gloves in your thigh pocket and quit complaining. :)

This is the first service I've ever worked for that didn't have cupholders in the rigs, we have those little floor caddys, and they just aren't the same.

All of ours have cup holders however I have been in ones that don't. The normal solution to that is stick 2 foam, head beds together and cut 2 holes in them.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
All of ours have cup holders however I have been in ones that don't. The normal solution to that is stick 2 foam, head beds together and cut 2 holes in them.

I cut boxes of gloves in half and tape them to stuff. Use the gloves to fill the gaps ;)

Works great for medic internships.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Just found out my best friend and roommate's younger brother who's been in remission from leukemia after a three year battle is back in the hospital and they're worried it may be back.

Please keep JP Avilla and the entire Avilla family in your thoughts.

JP is a HS senior and has busted his *** to stay up on his school work and is slated to graduate with his class that he started with. He's currently in an internship at the Trauma Center following primarily physicians but all sorts of healthcare professionals. He's ridden on the ambulance with me, when he was healthy enough, multiple times and wants nothing more to pass the care and compassion he received along. His biggest interest is oncology and cancer research, primarily pediatric cancer.

The Avilla family has 5 children, including JP, and although two are out of the house they still need all the help they can get. If another fundraiser is started or the old one is reopened I will be sure to post a link. Also, if they reopen his blood bank account I will post the information to donate as well.
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I know a guy who knows a guy.
Not all of them. We need a glove box holder something fierce.

No kidding. I wind up wedging a couple of boxes between the seats and the radio console. At least you got the slight tilt in the CAD screen mount.

...and it does have the MOST FREAKIN' OBNOXIOUS siren evah!
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Just found out my best friend and roommate's younger brother who's been in remission from leukemia after a three year battle is back in the hospital and they're worried it may be back.

Please keep JP Avilla and the entire Avilla family in your thoughts.

JP is a HS senior and has busted his *** to stay up on his school work and is slated to graduate with his class that he started with. He's currently in an internship at the Trauma Center following primarily physicians but all sorts of healthcare professionals. He's ridden on the ambulance with me, when he was healthy enough, multiple times and wants nothing more to pass the care and compassion he received along. His biggest interest is oncology and cancer research, primarily pediatric cancer.

The Avilla family has 5 children, including JP, and although two are out of the house they still need all the help they can get. If another fundraiser is started or the old one is reopened I will be sure to post a link. Also, if they reopen his blood bank account I will post the information to donate as well.

Will do bud.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
As a reminder, this thread was meant for all of the subjects that weren't EMS related or worthy of their own threads.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Yes. So let's get back to talking about Robb's mom.