Sleep deprived. What to do?

El Paso Fire Department is hiring and has a lot of cool stuff. You should float in an application- they're good folks.

I just got hired on at a smaller, suburban/rural EMS service a little east of OKC. We work the Modified Kelly (24on/24off/24on/24off/24on/96 off, same as 46Young), with far better benefits than Paramedics Plus and a *better* retirement plan, plus 100% paid health care.

Given that my current employer released our newest shift bid the same day I got my offer and it predicated "not seeing my wife for the next six months except in passing", I've made my decision. More money + more free time = good.
The problem with Florida is that medics are abundant, so there are probably dozens that would love to have your position should you leave. As such, the senior staff is not inclined to change anything to benefit the employee. As much as the sleep deprivation gets to you, working a 9-5, having to be productive every minute of the day, no PT or study time at work, and dealing with traffic every day would be worse, IMO. You can also kiss the OT goodbye as well, unless you want to work per diem at an IFT company. It's tough to work part-time when you're already working M-F 9-5. You'll never be home, and your relationships will be stressed even more than with a 24/48. I know this first-hand when I used to work 4 days a week in NYC EMS, with OT once or twice a week. My wife and child hardly ever saw me, unless they liked watching me when I slept. No more pension, either. The golden rule: Its all about the best retirement!

I had to get my NR-P on my own when I working as a medic in NY, to be able to work out-of-state, just get your NR-P so that you have options. The Carolinas don't generally pay well. Hilton Head and Colleton County SC may be the exceptions. Everywhere else, you're starting in the low to mid $30k/yr on a 24/48.

If you really want to be a career FF/medic, I would focus on Northern Virginia (where I'm at), anything in MD bordering DC, and Texas. These departments are large enough to afford ample promotional opportunity, and versatility within the department as well. You could try a few departments in CA, but I don't know much about them. If you want to do well, either get hired by Miami-Dade, or get out of Florida.

You are very right sir! They could probably care less, just for that reason. Someone will be right there to fill the spot. But that 9-5 thing is exactly what I've been mentally battling with. I really like the ability to have 2 days off(even if 1-1/2 of them are spent sleeping sometimes) and being able to take off a shift and have 5 days off. This is why I would like to find ways to manage this repetitive sleep loss problem, if there are any ways.

I have never really looked into going to another state. Since I don't have NREMT wouldn't I have to either get my NREMT or retake the Paramedic course in the state I would be applying for?
El Paso Fire Department is hiring and has a lot of cool stuff. You should float in an application- they're good folks.

I just got hired on at a smaller, suburban/rural EMS service a little east of OKC. We work the Modified Kelly (24on/24off/24on/24off/24on/96 off, same as 46Young), with far better benefits than Paramedics Plus and a *better* retirement plan, plus 100% paid health care.

Given that my current employer released our newest shift bid the same day I got my offer and it predicated "not seeing my wife for the next six months except in passing", I've made my decision. More money + more free time = good.

That worked out really well for you. Is it possible that they purposefully gave you that schedule to mess with you?
El Paso Fire Department is hiring and has a lot of cool stuff. You should float in an application- they're good folks.

I just got hired on at a smaller, suburban/rural EMS service a little east of OKC. We work the Modified Kelly (24on/24off/24on/24off/24on/96 off, same as 46Young), with far better benefits than Paramedics Plus and a *better* retirement plan, plus 100% paid health care.

Given that my current employer released our newest shift bid the same day I got my offer and it predicated "not seeing my wife for the next six months except in passing", I've made my decision. More money + more free time = good.

Man, that does sound like a pretty sweet deal. The 100% pain HC would be nice as well!
You are very right sir! They could probably care less, just for that reason. Someone will be right there to fill the spot. But that 9-5 thing is exactly what I've been mentally battling with. I really like the ability to have 2 days off(even if 1-1/2 of them are spent sleeping sometimes) and being able to take off a shift and have 5 days off. This is why I would like to find ways to manage this repetitive sleep loss problem, if there are any ways.

I have never really looked into going to another state. Since I don't have NREMT wouldn't I have to either get my NREMT or retake the Paramedic course in the state I would be applying for?

It depends on the state. You'll have to reference each state's OEMS website.

Meanwhile, if you want to relocate, I recommend starting the hiring process, if possible, without the NR-P. After you get the cert, many places will fast track you because you're a medic. You'll already be part way through the process, which will speed things up.
24 / 48 hour shifts with little sleep? Ridiculous. Can't even fathom that its legal.

Change jobs if you can before it kills you.
Gotta put in a plug for Sussex County DE if you're looking to move. 12 hour shifts, 2 days, 2 nights, 4 off. Abundant PTO, better than decent money for single role medics, no SSM, decent stations. All ALS chase trucks, fire does the BLS ambulance. Better than most protocols, excellent equipment. This is probably one of the better systems in the country that very few people know about.

And, if I recruit one more medic from out of state, I win a toaster.
That worked out really well for you. Is it possible that they purposefully gave you that schedule to mess with you?

I dont think so, its just a product of our seniority and EMSA-paramedic school schedule and other people with more points bidding. My loyalty entirely disappeared though when seeing the schedule; I would see my wife maybe once a week conscious.

The new job also means I wont lose a quarter of my income a month for drill.
It depends on the state. You'll have to reference each state's OEMS website.
Meanwhile, if you want to relocate, I recommend starting the hiring process, if possible, without the NR-P. After you get the cert, many places will fast track you because you're a medic. You'll already be part way through the process, which will speed things up.

Thanks! Very helpful.

24 / 48 hour shifts with little sleep? Ridiculous. Can't even fathom that its legal.

Really? Is this not common anymore? What hours do you have?

Gotta put in a plug for Sussex County DE if you're looking to move. 12 hour shifts, 2 days, 2 nights, 4 off. Abundant PTO, better than decent money for single role medics, no SSM, decent stations. All ALS chase trucks, fire does the BLS ambulance. Better than most protocols, excellent equipment. This is probably one of the better systems in the country that very few people know about.

And, if I recruit one more medic from out of state, I win a toaster.

:lol: Get to win a toaster, that's funny, but it actually says a lot about your department. Man, 2 on 4 off AND 12 hour shifts!? What a sweet gig that must be.
We also don't even run BLS. Well, technically we do, but the pt has ALS care. For starters, like I said earlier, we use our county law enforcement dispatchers which are not medically trained to determine what meets BLS or ALS criteria. All calls are responded to in an ALS manner. Also, our EMTs are not allowed to charge BLS calls unless it is a transport back to the residence or back to a nursing home, which are both not to often(maybe 1 per month). So all calls and all reports are done my the medics.
Thanks! Very helpful.

Really? Is this not common anymore? What hours do you have?

:lol: Get to win a toaster, that's funny, but it actually says a lot about your department. Man, 2 on 4 off AND 12 hour shifts!? What a sweet gig that must be.

Where I work part time... it is all 12 or 8 hour shift...except for 2 islands that run a 3 man 24hour shift (less than 60 calls a year for each of them).
They made the move a couple years ago for safety reasons. We work the 2 days 2nighs 4 off. It isn't bad if you are not really busy. we also run ssm so it wasnt uncommon to be on the road or posting roadside 12-16 hours of the 24 without even doing a call.
Man, you guys are making me jealous. What's the catch with places like this? DEMedic, your department especially...there's gotta be a catch. That just seems awesome compared to what we do here.
Man, you guys are making me jealous. What's the catch with places like this? DEMedic, your department especially...there's gotta be a catch. That just seems awesome compared to what we do here.

No catch here. I just moved myself across the country for this system. I have more time off than I know what to do with.
You might forget what all nighters feel like.
Man, you guys are making me jealous. What's the catch with places like this? DEMedic, your department especially...there's gotta be a catch. That just seems awesome compared to what we do here.

The catch is that it is in Delaware.
No catch here. I just moved myself across the country for this system. I have more time off than I know what to do with.

That's got to be a great feeling.

You might forget what all nighters feel like.

Haha what a shame. I think I could suffer through that one.

The catch is that it is in Delaware.

Yeah, that is a shame, but definitely good to know there are places like this that are available for options.
You could apply at Alexandria Fire and EMS (near DC on the Virginia side). Their firefighters are on the same schedule I'm on. Their medics are separate and single role; they work a 24on/48off/24on/96off. It's a variation of a 24/72, a 42 hour workweek. If you worked there, with that schedule, you could live as far away as NC, VA Beach, Philly, or even NYC if you wanted to. Most of the counties surrounding DC are large, and pay well. IMO, the living environment is mediocre. It's not bad, but there are places with much more amenities and recreation to offer.

I may take an early retirement at 20 years of service and move to either Charleston or Myrtle Beach, Savannah, or even coastal Texas, and get work as a supervisor in EMS, or a Chief in a FD. Working for a large fire/EMS department is an excellent resume builder.
Since no one has brought it up,
When I'm sleep deprived, I usually like to sleep :rolleyes: :P
The catch is that it is in Delaware.

There is that. I'm a homebody, so it's okay:) and if I want to do something city, I'm less than 90 minutes to Baltimore, DC or Philly. Housing is cheap and there's no sales tax. Delaware gets a bad rap, but its just like anywhere else.
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The fact that it is 90 minutes from Baltimore, DC or Philly doesn't help your case. :P