Signing your partners name on Narc cards

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Forum Ride Along
Ok. I have been a paramedic for over 18 years and have never, ever been lazy when it came to documentation of narcotics. I have always wasted in front of my partner, I have always shown them the empty vial and the syringe that was used to push the medication. On three separate and widely spaced out times, I signed for my partner. Why would I deviate from my normal practice you might ask? I have no idea why I did it. I wish I did. Once was when we were still driving and I actually told them I did it, and they still saw me waste the medication. The second and third was because they left to go home and I forgot to have them sign. But again, they saw me waste at the end of the call. No secrets or EMT partners not knowing what I did.
Here is the dilemma: I am currently on UAL, pending the investigation. I know my partners have told the employer that those signatures were not theirs. They were not asked if they witnessed me waste the medication, although my epcr reflects the dose given and it should be searchable in pt records at the hospital as well as to what I gave. The vials were thrown away in front of them.
I know I screwed up. Please dont point out my god damn idiotic move. I know I screwed up. My main concern is LE. I know that forging is a wobbler crime in California. Meaning it can go either misdemeanor or felony based on intent. Obviously my intent was not to defraud my partners or the company or the pt as they got the medications and my partners saw me waste the medication. What should I do. I have not been brought in yet to conclude the investigation as they are still gathering the evidence. I am of course going to admit to doing it. I have nothing to hide and I have no drug problems. What should I do. I am on probation so I have no union protection at all. I will get fired. I am more worried about State EMS and Law Enforcment. My buddy who is LE, says something like this wont really be flagged by LE, since my partners saw me waste and throw away the medication. I wasnt hiding it. They knew I gave the medication to someone. I think that is what the company is trying to show, that I tried to hide it and didnt tell my partner that I gave medications. Well they will lose that one, because they did see me do it.
Any advice that is educational or helpful. IF you come on here and bash me, get lost. I already have enough stress and I have already admitted to being a freaking bone head. I dont need anymore confirmation in that area.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
What do you want us to say? "Everything's gonna be alright?"

That ain't gonna happen. You forged a name on a controlled substance log. Several times. Take your punishment, whatever it is, like an adult and start looking for a new job because you won't be trusted around narcotics again.


Forum Ride Along
What do you want us to say? "Everything's gonna be alright?"

That ain't gonna happen. You forged a name on a controlled substance log. Several times. Take your punishment, whatever it is, like an adult and start looking for a new job because you won't be trusted around narcotics again.

I get that brotha, and I appreciate the obvious EMS cynicism exuding from your comment. You misread or didnt pay attention though: I am asking, other than being fired, which I already know will happen, I am talking about any further repercussions that are possible, based on what I did as opposed to those who have acutally been caught stealing medications for personal use or tampering with vials and replacing them with saline. Forgery must be proven to have intent to defraud. Their isnt any intent in what I did. That is shown by the fact that I had my partners witness me waste and throw the vial along with syringe away. Does that make more sense now?


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
What do you want us to say? "Everything's gonna be alright?"

That ain't gonna happen. You forged a name on a controlled substance log. Several times. Take your punishment, whatever it is, like an adult and start looking for a new job because you won't be trusted around narcotics again.

This. You forged names on a narcotics log. BIG BIG no no. Im with DE, start looking for a new job cause you pretty much tarnished your career in EMS.


Community Leader
Community Leader
You're asking for legal advice and calling it "possible repercussions." We can't offer that here. Although it sounds like you (hopefully) already have, consult qualified legal representation.

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