Never did I judge addicts so please don't twist my words to build your soapbox. Also I stand by my point that doing heroin is idiotic, not judging, dont think they are less human or scum of the earth. Im not going to withhold any level of care whatsoever, but how is it not idiotic....seriously if you think heroin is a good idea you are an idiot. Also I have kids, love them, but all kids are idiots at some point and if you have kids you know that. And last I checked heroin isn't really a "sorry I backed into the garage door" teachable moment, overdosing tends to be a little more permanent. Children are literally dying everyday from it and I don't see how telling them we can instantly fix them with a atomizer or injection is really the message we should send. If you paid attention I'm judging the DRUG DEALERS for taking advantage of something created to help people that is now being used as an aid to spread more poison by making it seem like it's without consequence. And it's not that I think you are stupid or naive, but I think its awfully shortsighted of YOU to think handing out this "miracle drug" like pez hasn't had equally negative impacts. But I get it, it's like pro life vs pro choice or thin crust vs deep dish everyone has there opinion and you sir or ma'am are certainly entitled to your's.