Scared of overworking myself?


Forum Crew Member
Hey, I am currently a student in high school working on one company for 5hrs on a weeknight and 5 on a weekend. I have no problem with this, but I am thinking of joining a second company, and with that, I would have to work more hours. This would be about 5 more hours a weekend in the morning, with my current company 5 hours in the afternoon. Do you think that 10 hours on one company and soon to be 5 on another a week is too much for a high school student? I don't think that it should affect me too bad. I have worked saturdays from 8am to 11pm before (mostly because of stand-by's), but that was only once. I would be working 10 hours every weekend, and 5 on a weeknight a couple nights before that day. What is your opinion? Am I overworking myself a bit? Should I just stay on my first company? Please help, responses would be greatly appreciated.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
I worked roughly 25-30hrs/wk in retail starting my junior year, while being a competitive runner and doing well in school at the same time. It's all about time management.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Will any of it pay?


Forum Crew Member


Forum Angel
Unfortunately no. Both of these are town run BLS volunteer companies.

It's great you want to get involved and volunteer. How are your grades in school? Are you a senior?

I would focus very hard on school and getting into college. Don't stretch yourself thin donating your time for free.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Don't grow up too fast if you don't have to. You'll look back and regret missing those random adventures with your friends. If you don't have to work both I wouldn't, personally. With that said the schedule you're talking about is easily doable.


Forum Crew Member
It's great you want to get involved and volunteer. How are your grades in school? Are you a senior?

I would focus very hard on school and getting into college. Don't stretch yourself thin donating your time for free.
Thanks, my grades are very good (all A's currently and three of 4 of my classes are honors), and I'm an oncoming junior next year, so things like college will not be affecting me greatly for the time being. I know that I shouldn't let this take over my school, home and family life, and I don't think it should. By the way, don't colleges like to see lots of volunteer involvment?


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Yes, volunteering looks good. However having a job can be just as useful in the interview process.

EMS will always be there. Your time in high school will not, as has been said. Not to mention that the older you get, the more you're going to need money. Maybe consider getting a part time job somewhere else instead? A little bit of extra volunteer experience (especially when you are not an EMT yet) is not going to further your EMS career in a meaningful way. I learned more about customer service selling snowblowers and lawnmowers than I did in my first few years of working on an ambulance. Don't discount how much you learn about yourself and interpersonal interactions with a retail job, and you get the added bonus of making money. Your time is valuable, make it work for you.


Forum Crew Member
Hey, I am currently a student in high school working on one company for 5hrs on a weeknight and 5 on a weekend. I have no problem with this, but I am thinking of joining a second company, and with that, I would have to work more hours. This would be about 5 more hours a weekend in the morning, with my current company 5 hours in the afternoon. Do you think that 10 hours on one company and soon to be 5 on another a week is too much for a high school student? I don't think that it should affect me too bad. I have worked saturdays from 8am to 11pm before (mostly because of stand-by's), but that was only once. I would be working 10 hours every weekend, and 5 on a weeknight a couple nights before that day. What is your opinion? Am I overworking myself a bit? Should I just stay on my first company? Please help, responses would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Im a South African Highschool Student, ive been working as a volunteer at our local fire dept for about 2 years now and recently started at a ambulance company aswell. On a average weekend I work atleast one 24hour shift and sometimes even more depending on the amount of schoolwork I have. Depending on the amount of calls we get I do sometimes feel tired on Mondays but luckily not so tired that I can't focus at school. I really enjoy the emergency services and will be studying a 4 year degree in Emergency Medical Care.


It really depends on if you have the desire to do it.

I was a musician through my undergrad and most of high school was spent with concerts, lessons, rehearsals, and practices taking up 40 plus hours a week outside of school. I got burned out a few times... But I loved it, and ultimately it was what I wanted to to do.

You seem comfortable in school and responsible. If you're really concerned, maybe you can see if you can just do an observation or two with them just to feel out what it will be like.


Forum Crew Member
Only time when it really got to me was when we had a bad call... it will sometimes bother me through the week. But il soon sit it behind me and just carry on.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I'm gonna say it again, along with with tigger said. Enjoy it while you can because being an adult sucks. Big time. I wish I could go back and have one more year of no responsibilities beyond my homework, sports and a part time job.

Volunteering for one department will look plenty good on your application, like tigger said EMS experience without your EMT isn't going to count for much for most agencies. 99% of our job is customer service. Do your volunteer time, enjoy your life, keep that 4.0 and if you're dead set on working more get a job that's gonna put money in your pocket rather than volunteering.

I hate the whole "don't get into EMS for the money" mantra. I work for one reason, to pay my bills and support my lifestyle. Ok so two reasons. I don't do it because I want to be a hero or be remembered or help people, I do it because medicine is interesting, every day is different and it pays enough so I can live the way I want to.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
I hate the whole "don't get into EMS for the money" mantra. I work for one reason, to pay my bills and support my lifestyle. Ok so two reasons. I don't do it because I want to be a hero or be remembered or help people, I do it because medicine is interesting, every day is different and it pays enough so I can live the way I want to.
Amen, brother. If I could go live at 6,000 feet and do nothing but run and camp, I'd be the happiest person alive. Unfortunately, money is fairly important. EMS is just the most interesting way I found to make said money.