Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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Forum Deputy Chief
My comments about career contractors was directed to the US members of the forum...the ones where the dollar amount being paid is not worth the hassle.

The other nations you mention have better exchange rates...which is why we tend to recruit from those nations as well. I have South African, New Zealand, Polish, and Australian medical staff on my payroll....even had one German. It is worth it to them, but definitely not for the majority of US contractors.

And if you will review, the majority if not all of the US new hires are neophytes to overseas contracting as evidenced by their posts, questions and this entire contract.

As for no one posting anything negatively, having been a visitor of KSA and having many friends who have worked there, I know how heavily the internet is monitored and censored first hand. Dispute can't. If I were in that country, I would not say one single negative can't cause you are no longer in your home country and you have no freedom of speech in order to condemn the kingdom, royalty or anything else pertaining to their religious beliefs.

This is why you see NOTHING negative from someone who is there. You do not bite the hand that feeds you until you find another hand.

I will say again, I wish all the best of luck because you will need it.


Forum Crew Member
Thread for Spouses

Travis proposed a thread for spouses to chat amongst each other. I spoke to my wife about it and she would start the thread if no one else is or wants to.

Could One of you forum captains or chiefs chime in hear and let us know ?



M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
Since I proposed it, I suppose I will jump out there and start it! Stand by, I will post it right after this post...

If possible, could it be stickied near the SRCA thread, for ease of use.

BTW, I am one of the first expats to arrive since this new recruiting effort started, I arrived in January for those who do not know. I would like to think that I have provided an objective overview of what MY experience has been. I have listed the things I am happy about, and the things that I would like to see improved.

I am very happy here in Saudi with the SRCA as an employer, and even though there have been some humps in the road, the SRCA has lived up to the obligations they set forth in MY contract thus far.

As I posted earlier, for those of you really interested, go to the source (SRCA or Action Aviation respectively). You would be ill advised to take the internet postings of a few people who have never worked for the SRCA as gospel. Avoid the rumor mill, it will save you a lot of trouble in the end.

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Forum Crew Member
Since I proposed it, I suppose I will jump out there and start it! Stand by, I will post it right after this post...

If possible, could it be stickied near the SRCA thread, for ease of use.

BTW, I am one of the first expats to arrive since this new recruiting effort started, I arrived in January for those who do not know. I would like to think that I have provided an objective overview of what MY experience has been. I have listed the things I am happy about, and the things that I would like to see improved.

I am very happy here in Saudi with the SRCA as an employer, and even though there have been some humps in the road, the SRCA has lived up to the obligations they set forth in MY contract thus far.

As I posted earlier, for those of you really interested, go to the source (SRCA or Action Aviation respectively). You would be ill advised to take the internet postings of a few people who have never worked for the SRCA as gospel. Avoid the rumor mill, it will save you a lot of trouble in the end.

Thanks Travis for leadership with the new thread and your measured comments regarding your experiences with the SRCA.

I would like to chime in and echo what Travis has put forth regarding his experience with the SRCA. Although I have not been offered a position yet, my interaction and communications with the SRCA HR department have been upfront, punctual, professional and I believe honest. I have done quite a bit of research, as much as possible from afar, and have spoken to many of you EMS expats working over there. And essentially what Travis just explained is what I am hearing from all of you. I do believe the EMS system is, at it's core, having some significant growing pains. But it does'nt take going back in our own EMS history very far to remember that EMS is still a discipline that is still defining itself even today here in the states. With that said, you have to assume that the same issues that we in America have solved and are still working on will be present there. Imagine taking our EMS history and distilling it into the last few years of there early development. I believe all of us EMS expats have an opportunity to show just how great the American spirit is and how we can assist another country in thier trials and tribulations in EMS. Finally, I think we all need to follow the Lead that Travis has put forth which is to maintain a measured, positive and respectful approach to assisting the KSA on their road to EMS success.


Forum Probie
Having been "boots on the ground" I would like to clarify a couple of issues. After the SRCA notified the Intercontinental Hotel on Sunday they would no long be their responsibility for Action Aviation personnel bills, which SRCA had hadn't paid in 5 months, it was alleged Action Aviation left the paramedics to fend for themselves. That is absolutely FALSE. The company made arrangements so that no one would be held individually responsible.
There were threats made that no one could leave, if they did they'd be arrested and thrown in jail, and the hotel sent a list of names to immigrations. While these threats were made they were merely to put pressure on Action Aviation. In true, no list was sent by the hotel to immigrations, no one was arrested, and people who wanted to leave did so free and clear.
I would encourage everyone is considering working for the SRCA to do their homework and make an educated decision.
Few years ago the SRCA hired 60 paramedics; of those approximately 8 remain. The others became frustrated and left. May ask the SRCA recruiter.
Good Luck to Everyone.


Forum Probie
Having been "boots on the ground" I would like to clarify a couple of issues. After the SRCA notified the Intercontinental Hotel on Sunday they would no long be their responsibility for Action Aviation personnel bills, which SRCA had hadn't paid in 5 months, it was alleged Action Aviation left the paramedics to fend for themselves. That is absolutely FALSE. The company made arrangements so that no one would be held individually responsible.
There were threats made that no one could leave, if they did they'd be arrested and thrown in jail, and the hotel sent a list of names to immigrations. While these threats were made they were merely to put pressure on Action Aviation. In true, no list was sent by the hotel to immigrations, no one was arrested, and people who wanted to leave did so free and clear.
I would encourage everyone is considering working for the SRCA to do their homework and make an educated decision.
Few years ago the SRCA hired 60 paramedics; of those approximately 8 remain. The others became frustrated and left. May ask the SRCA recruiter.
Good Luck to Everyone.


Forum Crew Member
The hotel tried to stick the individuals responsible because they changed their contract with action. The employees themselves worked hard to find documentation stating they weren't responsible. It was 2 weeks of a pissing match between the scra and action. Those that really suffered were the the field staff. There were daily safety briefings as to whether all the stress of the hourly situation changes would take the crews mind out of the cockpit. A concern that was brought up by the piolts, and med crews. Travis ask two of your fellow scra workers one of them that left due to the nonsense he experienced how the scra had promises of paying for education for their families only to find out that that it was changed a 40,000 sar difference. Action aviation employees were to be given a choice to switch to become scra and not one medic was excited to hear they wanted us to become under scra. I myself would have not switched and stayed an action employee for as long as I could. There other medics that visit this site that if they agree wih that chime in. As I only speakng for myself.


Forum Crew Member
But goatload you are correct action didn't leave the medics to fend for themselves, the flight team leaders chief and assistant chief fled the hotel and Saudi. The medics that were left behind and numerous Other staff medics had no way of contacting them. They also didn't pass along the warninthro the other medics or offer them a ride to the airport. How is that not "leavi g them to fend forthemselves" So you are in a foreign country with threats if you leave they will jail you and flag your passports, were scare tactics to force thier obedience. Sounds like psycological tourture.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
I only speak for my experiences with the SRCA. I had heard of the education allowance being changed, but I have no children, and the problem does not involve me, therefore I can not speak to the circumstances surrounding it. That would be good advice for others to follow.

NJ you are leveling a lot of accusations and I am certain you do not know the entire story. I can positively say that you do not know the entire story because:

a) you have not been in country,
b) the information you are getting is fragmented, and
c) nobody over here except for a very few high level personnel actually will ever know the full story of what happened, as this situation has been brewing for a very long time, and is more complicated than I ever care to know.

All of the things I am saying in defense of SRCA are based on my experiences, having been in this country for 3 months. I only speak to my experiences, which have been positive. There have been a few other medics relating their positive experiences with SRCA. The only people relating negative experiences are former employees of Action Aviation, looking for someone to blame for their current hardship, which is unfortunate.

As for the SRCA employee who left, I can honestly say that nobody (ground staff, flight staff, SRCA management, and Action Aviation management) was sad to see him go, and the general consensus among everyone was that we are better off without his type around.

I will tell everyone here, that if I had concerns about the current state of things, I would post them. I have been a supporter of SRCA, and I would hate to see people coming here and becoming unhappy or get into a financial bind based on my advice. If I begin to think differently I will tell you guys, until then, I will continue to support the SRCA.
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Forum Crew Member
Travis you are wrong in that I have indeed been in KSA I just finished my first rotation (8 weeks) or 60 days and I am currently on my off rotation. Oh trust me I know hats going on over there!
We are even friends on facebook.


Forum Crew Member
I know you are a strong supporter of SCRA.
If I wasn't in Saudi Arabia, then where the hell was I?? I will show you my visa and exit entrance stamps to anyone that wants to see just pm me.


Forum Crew Member
Travis I know you self appointed yourself as the Official welcoming committee, but, I guess you appointed yourself the "information department about Riyadh" as well.
You haven't met all of us flight medics that were on rotation, guess thats why I didn't make it into your Blog! But I bet this conversation will make it in there.
I can have one of the medics come on here that was "LEFT TO FEND FOR HIMSELF" to someone that had tried to discredit me on that point.
Travis you worked on the ground and never made it to the flight team, cause you took pictures, a serious security flaw of how people could get into that housing complex That upset the others living in your compound.
This I know cause a base manager of the SCRA told me this.


Forum Crew Member
I vouch for NJ

Hey Travis, when you say NJ was not KSA, you are most wrong. I have just returned from working there and I had the pleasure of working with him. He is indeed on his 30 day off rotation. So when i speaks of what's going on, this is not heresay. Plus, you would not say anything bad about SRCA because sites like this are monitored and surely if you did say something bad, you might have consequences to pay. Surely there are multiple sides to the stories and events that happen there. Based on history itself, i'm more inclined to side with my company.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
I stand corrected

I stand corrected, I have seen another NJ medic who posted on here a few pages back who has not been over yet, and assumed it was you.

You are right NJ, I have not met all of the flight guys, and sadly, looks like we will not be meeting either. Good luck finding your next assignment, I hope it works out better than the last one you took.

As for making the flight team and taking pictures, I was assigned to the ground by the supervisors, so that is where I work. There are plenty of other guys taking pictures of the compound, and as far as security goes, if someone wants to capture me, they certainly can, regardless of whether or not they know what the compound looks like...

I still stand by the fact that there is a lot of fragmented 3rd party information being passed around, and this situation is more complicated than any of us will ever know.

That does not make it right that Action Aviation did not pay you guys, and that does not make it right that Action Aviation ditched you guys and left you to fend for yourselves, I agree the situation is bad for all involved.

The SRCA guys still have jobs and are still getting paid, which is more than I can say for Action Aviation.
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Forum Crew Member
Travis I am sure all of this would have been different if there was only SRCA running the flight program if you catch my drift. As in we may all have jobs and gotten paid lol


Forum Crew Member
Alright, lots of stuff happened in a very short amount of time out there. True, we have not been paid. Not sure why, but we are told that the company was not paid. And when a company is not paid for a numerous amount of months, it's a little tough to make payroll. Now i'm not saying i agree with this by any means. The initial chain of events did occur when we were told we would be responsible for our accommodation. I will not go into details about this on a public forum but everything is not as it appears. Simply put, the contract between SRC and AA was not adhered to. We were all able to leave the country without being blacklisted or owe any money. Action made sure of that. There was initial info from the hotel managers that if we left, we would be stopped at immigration and that our passport info was passed onto them by request of SRC. So who knows what's going on there. Hope it all works out well and operations can continue on. Not to optimistic about that though.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
The situation is not good all around. I hate to be arguing about something that in the end is just a bad deal.

I hope you guys get paid, one way or another. I would not wish missing a payroll check on anyone, especially in these trying financial times.

I also hope the program continues on. Whether you are from SRCA or Action Aviation, we can all agree on how desperately the patients in this country need the services, both ground and flight.

With all of that being said, I am going to keep my head up, stay positive, and keep working just as hard as I would at home.

I really sincerely hope things work out well for you guys, everyone deserves to be paid what they are owed by Action Aviation.


Wow all this talk and Rob's blog saying its all ended makes me a little nervous. I am going with the SRCA for ground, not Action. Are there any SRCA employees who are not Action that can give us an update? It sounds like Travis is doing well... Any others?

I am still planning on going, look forward to meeting Travis and whoever else is still there. I am prepared for some hardships just in case also.


Forum Crew Member
I've said it's ended..for's possible all this could turn around and everything works out. It's just a waiting game at this point. The king requested this program and won't let it fail. I'm not sure if he is aware of the events that have taken place. Everyone will do what's in their best interest. All of us are still employed by Action and should things turn for the better, all of us were offered to return to resume the project. That being said, there would have to assurances, big ones. The srca flight medics are not flying now because there is no aircraft to fly. Nor are there any pilots or mechanics. Not sure if they have been placed on the ambulance in the meantime. Several people have been fired from SRC as well. So it's not just an action aviation thing going on. People on both sides of the spectrum are being effected.


Forum Probie
I stand corrected, I have seen another NJ medic who posted on here a few pages back who has not been over yet, and assumed it was you.

You are right NJ, I have not met all of the flight guys, and sadly, looks like we will not be meeting either. Good luck finding your next assignment, I hope it works out better than the last one you took.

As for making the flight team and taking pictures, I was assigned to the ground by the supervisors, so that is where I work. There are plenty of other guys taking pictures of the compound, and as far as security goes, if someone wants to capture me, they certainly can, regardless of whether or not they know what the compound looks like...

I still stand by the fact that there is a lot of fragmented 3rd party information being passed around, and this situation is more complicated than any of us will ever know.

That does not make it right that Action Aviation did not pay you guys, and that does not make it right that Action Aviation ditched you guys and left you to fend for yourselves, I agree the situation is bad for all involved.

The SRCA guys still have jobs and are still getting paid, which is more than I can say for Action Aviation.

Hey Travis...dont worry man. You could get just as easily screwed like many many before you have. Its a fact!!!
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