Questions to ask during an autopsy/ any clinicals


Forum Crew Member
Hey guys, anyone with a good understanding in anatomy or want to learn about it?
I have a clinical with the county medical examiner and I am thrilled at the oppurtunity to meet him. I realize I am very fortunate to have this oppurtunity. They are brilliant people with some very valuable first hand anatomy knowledge, and I couldn't imagine someone who would know more about the human body. This will be an invasive hands on autopsy where we will have the chance to palpate the interior of the body.

I have a limited knowledge of anatomy which pretty much only includes about 85 bones and the respiratory/circulatory systems.

My question to you guys is:

  • What would be some good and appropriate questions to ask, that will help me most along the path of becoming a paramedic. Things that will be involved in skills I will need to learn to perform when I am one. Knowing the landmarks now would be invaluable to me In the future. Such as, the location on the cricothyroid I will need to incise for a cricothyroidotomy.
  • Are there any questions you guys have you'd like me to ask? As long as they're reasonable I would ask and post what he says for you guys here. I'll be taking notes the entire time and would love to help someone out who doesn't have the same oppurtunity.
  • Anything I probably shouldn't ask/do that isnt incredibly obvious? Like clearly a question like "what waz ur grozzest autopsy lolz" isn't appropriate, but perhaps there are more I've never even considered. Many of you would know much more then I would.

Also, I have additional clinicals with the dispatch center, and of course multiple fire rescue and municipal departments as well as the Fire department, our cities largest level 2 trauma hospitals ER, our local flight medic service and a private transfer service.

Any input on getting the best, most rewarding and educational experience in any of these clinicals? I don't want to do any short of my full potential in the few oppurtunities I will have. And I'd be more then happy to ask any questions anyone would like me to ask any of my preceptors.

Thank you!


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Watch and listen.

Hopefully you'll have another opportunity at a cadaver lab when you're in A&P and/or paramedic class.