Paramedic computer exam


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Has anyone taken the NREMT-P computer exam yet?

I'm taking it on Jan 17 in Dallas, Tx. Our skills day is the 27th.
Any advice???

Since you will the one of the first group that will be taking the new Paramedic test, I doubt that there is any helpful hints.. be sure to make mental notes and let us know how it was.

Good luck !

R/r 911
I get to look forward to it in about a month, that is if i make it pass my skills!! Let us know how you do, and how the comp test is
I'm told (not sure how true this is) that you MUST answer a question before it will allow you to move on to the next question. I'm also told (once again, don't know if it's true) that once you go to the next question, you do not have the chance to go back and review your answers and change them.

I think one of our soone to be basics is taking the NREMT test some time this week. I'll try to find out.
as what I have been told wolfwyndd is right. Also what I have been told is you should be able to see if you passed or not on the same day...
took the test

Well, I took the test today... I answered 111 questions before it shut off and I had 30 minutes to spare. It will NOT let you go back and change answers and you do have answer a question before you move on. I did not like that part of it, but that's what makes it unique and adaptive.

I personally thought it was a tough exam. We were told that it would take 48hours before the results were posted and if we failed, we could reschedule another exam in 14 days, and pay another fee, of course.

Some of the students in our class are being cut off at 85 questions (you must answer at least 80, or you need to contact NREMT as there was a problem with the computer). Some other students were being cut off at 150... so I'm not sure how I did. I knew most of the stuff, but could argue two answers on some of them too.

Anyone else take it and have any thoughts?
The cut off is set at a value not so much the number. Similar to other board exams. As well the questions are generated randomly so people can not discuss number associated with questions.

You have to have an "over all" score, not so much percentage. There is a difference now. One might want to read NREMT discussion on this to decrease confusion.

All board exams are based upon the writing of questions to choose the most correct of the answers. Usually one will see one absurdly wrong, one definitely not right, and two that could be the answer. The difficulty is choosing out of those the most correct one. Usually it is more technical or text book. What I have seen is many start placing empathy and feelings into the question as if written by a field medic, in which it is not. Don't place anything into that is not there.

We have been a trial site for the past year, and so far the pass rate is slightly above average to average, dependent on the location. Surprising though is may having difficulty with the computer, as described as not being used to computers.

Schools that states that use NREMT should place all their exams on computer basis so students should get familiar with computer programs and reading and interpretation of test questions.

Good luck to those that are and have taken the test!

R/r 911
set amount of questions

Thanks for the clarification Ryder...
I'm just curious as to why the guys at NREMT told our course director that the minimum was 80 questions for it to "register" or whatever...

There have been several people from our school that have been the victim of computer gliches where they have been told they have to retake the exam, without paying an additional fee.
I took and passed the nremt basic test on the computer. You have to answer before you move on and you can not go back. Also the test will only let you do a certain number of questions depending on your answers. I got through 71 before it said i had completed the test. It is a pass fail you wont get a percentage score. Once the computer has determined you either know your stuff or you dont it tells you your done