Meet.... Amber! *could not think of a better title*


Forum Crew Member
Hey Guys, I figured I would make a little introduction post so you guys know who you are talking to.

Name: Amber
Nickname: Spirra
Age: 15
Future Career: Paramedic to hopefully Flight Medic. If not a Pilot

I have always wanted to fly. Been my biggest dream. Achieved that back in march when the local AirEvac crew took me up for a 20 minute flight *Non Medical Flight*. I got to see then if I was gonna get air sick, which I did not. :rolleyes:
It was a blast. Best time of my life too.

People I know have always told me "Now you don't go flying helicopters, airplanes are safer!". Well, I dun wanna fly an Airplane. Rotors are much better. :p People saying that though just gives me all the more reason to achieve my life goal. ;)

I have had 2 liver transplants, 3 months and 9 months. May be part of the reason why I am so interested in medical stuff. :blush:
You wanna know more about the transplants? Just ask :p I'm not shy!


If I broke a rule doing this just let me know :p I read the rules carefully so I hope not.
Also, I do not speak "L33T/Chatspeak", I speak TEXAN! Haha. ^_^


Forum Deputy Chief
Nahhh! I don't think you broke any rules by doing this! lol. Whenever I tell a patient i'm going to go for flight medic, they always go. ON A PLANE RIGHT. I'm like nooooooo fixed wing is laaame! I wanna go on the helo! They're all like that's dangerous! I'm like, I know :]

And good job at starting so early I didn't start until I was 18 and a half... I'm 19 now lol.

Have fun here, mostly everyone is nice!


Forum Deputy Chief
Welcome! I also started when I was 18, almost 19! You have a while to go before you can get your card, but nothing wrong in getting a jump start!


Forum Chief
I would pull the usual Linuss bit and be like 'which part of Texas?'... but the 15 threw me off. ^_^

Welcome! Enjoy highschool. I had no clue what EMS was at your age.


Forum Deputy Chief
I would pull the usual Linuss bit and be like 'which part of Texas?'... but the 15 threw me off. ^_^

Welcome! Enjoy highschool. I had no clue what EMS was at your age.

Haha, I think that's why she put that age there!


Forum Deputy Chief
Amber, I too know what it is like to overcome a major surgery and want to help others. I genuinely hope you are able to pursue your dreams. Welcome to the forum.


Forum Chief
Nahhh! I don't think you broke any rules by doing this! lol. Whenever I tell a patient i'm going to go for flight medic, they always go. ON A PLANE RIGHT. I'm like nooooooo fixed wing is laaame! I wanna go on the helo! They're all like that's dangerous! I'm like, I know :]

And good job at starting so early I didn't start until I was 18 and a half... I'm 19 now lol.

Have fun here, mostly everyone is nice!

I think the ultimate cool nursing job would be to be a medical escort for commercial flights.

I transported a nurse and patient to OIA once. The lady gets paid to fly around the world on the off chance the patient would take a dive. How friggin cool would that be?

Welcome to the forum.


Forum Deputy Chief
I think the ultimate cool nursing job would be to be a medical escort for commercial flights.

I transported a nurse and patient to OIA once. The lady gets paid to fly around the world on the off chance the patient would take a dive. How friggin cool would that be?

Welcome to the forum.

Cool yes, boring VERY YES!


Forum Chief
Cool yes, boring VERY YES!

Boring?? She got to go in a day early to meet the family, after meeting the family the day was hers to do sight seeing and touristing, etc.


Forum Crew Member
If ya really wanna know.... I live near Austin. :D
Linuss, EVERYONE warned me about you ;)

daedalus, Mind if I ask what you have been through?

Medical escort sounds awesome!

Thanks guys for being so welcoming.


Forum Chief
Welcome! And I'll agree that getting back on your feet after a major surgery can be tough (compound tib/fib fx and shattered ankle on the left leg). Hope you go far in your life, but if you really wanna be a medical provider and fly, I would go nursing and get your medic after you are an RN. I'm doing that bit backwards by going to nursing school after my medic


Forum Chief
jtpaintball70, Thanks for the advice! :D
Seeing your from Albuquerque NM, I was born there :p

really? I've only been in ABQ for about 2 years, live in Socorro for 8 before that. It seems ok, but I miss being near water! :p Tx or OR are next on my lists of places ot live and work


Hey Guys, I figured I would make a little introduction post so you guys know who you are talking to.

Name: Amber
Nickname: Spirra
Age: 15
Future Career: Paramedic to hopefully Flight Medic. If not a Pilot

I have always wanted to fly. Been my biggest dream. Achieved that back in march when the local AirEvac crew took me up for a 20 minute flight *Non Medical Flight*. I got to see then if I was gonna get air sick, which I did not. :rolleyes:
It was a blast. Best time of my life too.

People I know have always told me "Now you don't go flying helicopters, airplanes are safer!". Well, I dun wanna fly an Airplane. Rotors are much better. :p People saying that though just gives me all the more reason to achieve my life goal. ;)

I have had 2 liver transplants, 3 months and 9 months. May be part of the reason why I am so interested in medical stuff. :blush:
You wanna know more about the transplants? Just ask :p I'm not shy!


If I broke a rule doing this just let me know :p I read the rules carefully so I hope not.
Also, I do not speak "L33T/Chatspeak", I speak TEXAN! Haha. ^_^

Speaking as a medic, flight medic, and an employee, I'm glad you got the chance to fly. Also, you becoming a flight medic would not surprise me because, for you to survive this well after 2 liver transplants and having that much energy you showed in your video takes a lot of mental power and dedication. So much so, that going that far in your career is very plausible. So plausible, in fact, I would be surprised if you didn't get the job you want.

Way to go, Amber.


Forum Asst. Chief
no way thats my name!!!!! super awesome. lol.

ok enough of me being a dork. welcome to the forum. hope you get a lot of learning out of it.


Forum Crew Member
My energy level has never really been a huge problem. Thank Gosh.

I have gone into the San Antonio and Denver childrens hospitals seeing all these kids, alot of them recovering or for a checkup. They would be playing on the play-gym(s) and within 5 minutes they had to go sit down and rest.
I have wondered why I have the energy that other kids do not.

Last night was so funny. 3 boys were at Luckenbach TX, trying to attempt what is called "Parkour". I asked the parents if they knew what the boys were trying to do and they had no clue. So the parents called the boys over for me to tell them about it.
One said "Why don't you show us the correct way?" not a snotty tone or anything. So I hopped up on one of the tables, jumped several in a row, took about a 5-6 foot jump into a tree and weaved my way through it ending up by the creek. The boys TRYING to keep up with me were very wide eyed by the time I finished. :rolleyes:

It's a sport I have taken on because it is good exercise but can be VERY dangerous if done wrong.
I hgave taken a few bad falls, but no broken bones.
Falling 7 feet out of a tree came close with my arm <_< Failed jump, I slipped.

Hilarious! But it shows parkour :p


Critical Crazy
Parkour... always called it Street Running... everyone take note: this 15 y/o writes with more proper grammar than most on this forum. (don't let it go to your head, kid)

Plan your high school classes to speed your college experience towards your RN degree:
AP Biology
AP Psychology
AP English
AP Spanish
AP Chemistry

Also take anatomy and physiology, sociology, speech, philosophy, and physics.

Coming out of HS with those will put you way up the ladder for an ADN or BSN admission and prereq list. If you just want to do medic, they'll put you far ahead in educational background. If you want to be a helicopter pilot, AP Calc (preferably BC) and AP Physics B (C if you can), and think US Army. AP Calc, AP Stats, AP History, AP Econ, and AP US Gov will definitely save you some time in a BS degree, I am talking saving yourself a full year of college at least if you do all of the above. Check your schools and know what scores you need for credit.
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