Lapsed EMT, what to study..?


Forum Ride Along
I am a firefighter, have been since 97. In 99 I decided to take and EMT class, but never really did anything with it, really I just wanted it, so I would be useful, as a first reponder on MVAs. I let my cert go, but am getting it renewed as soon as I can find a CPR class somewhere. But I would like to know where I can find stuff to study to get up to par, or close to or my EMS knowledge, or at least trauma stuff. Anything I may encounter on MVAs. I have encoutered calls lately, the local ambulance knows I am going for my EMT cert again, and they also are kind of testing my knowledge and I feel very inadequate. I have been reading my brady EMT book, and I have a Suander EMT prehospital care book and review. Anything else, anyone could suggest. I really would appreciate it.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Welcome to the forum!

Here is what I used for my EMT class, and I really wouldn't do it any other way. When I got my EMT job two years after getting my license I felt as though I forgot it all. I pulled out my study material and it helped a lot. Here it is, in the order of usefullness:

1. Brady EMS Book - By far the best book I've seen or own
2. Pass EMT-Basic Video - Good video for practical skills. Goes through everything step by step. Link Here
3. KnightLite EMS Quizzing Software - I went through all the questions multiple times, as I had free time, and they really were useful! Link Here

Honestly I really think a textbook is a great start, and I often review my own. I'm sure others can provide some good suggestions.

Again, welcome to the forum, and I hope you stick around and continue to post!


Site Administrator
Community Leader
First, welcome to EMTLife.

Second, I would talk to the ambulance company and see what they recommend. Are you still a FF? Does your department have an EMT instructor? Where do they send your guys to become EMTs?

You could also contact the local community college. They often have EMT and Paramedic programs.

Again, welcome to EMTLife. Be sure to tell us a little more about yourself.



Forum Ride Along
Yes, I still am a firefighter. It is a very rural fire co. We cover two townships, and 220 sq. miles. I am the only ff. in my township, the fire co. is in the other township. I am 13 miles from the co. This means I am very often the first on scene, especially if the call is past my house away from teh fire co. The ambulance co. is seperate from the fire co. and another 8 miles past out fire co. Our fire co out has two EMTs. We are not QRS or medical in any way. We are just all around fire, rescue, fire, everything, you have to be when you cover everything rural.

I have no way of getting training without paying for it myself, and I can't really do that because I am finishing up at Penn State. BROKE..

Fire co. pays for nothing medical..stupid rule...I know.

The ambulance only has two full time EMTs and they are always busy.

Can anyone suggest online places to bone up, maybe?


Site Administrator
Community Leader
If you're the only FF in your township then I would demand that the county commission give you your own personal fire truck and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Just kidding.

What I would do is contact your local Red Cross and get as much training as you can. You might even be able to get it for free if you ask nicely. Tell them that you are interested in being part of their disaster action team (DAT) and maybe they'll give you the FA/CPR/AED training for free that way. They have a Emergency Response course that teaches advanced FA skills including child birth among other high priority medical emergencies. 'SafetyPro' will be able to give you a better break down than I can. I'll be going through the instructors course for this later this spring.

Does your dept.(s) have oxygen, AEDs or other medical equipment, even if it's only a trauma bag? If you have this equipment then they should put you through the training, plain and simple.


Forum Ride Along
our 25 (or so) guys have the option to take aed/cpr training yearly (though, it has not been offered in the last two years (our training officer quit, we have a new one now). We do have an AED, and a neck brace, and soem basic, first aid crap. No O2.

I am working to get in with the Red Cross right now. But they have not even contacted me, and have had my application for over a month.


Site Administrator
Community Leader
Well it's time to start making some phones call and get the ball rolling. If you have a new training officer then make sure he's doing his job. If he doesn't want to do it, step forward and ask the chief if you can.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
First of all, welcome to our own little corner of dysfunction.

I would also check with your local hospitals to see when they're going to have a CPR class for you. If that doesn't work, you can also check with your local chaper of the American Heart Association.


Forum Ride Along
Thanks everyone. I will check with the hospitals and the AHA. Also will try to get the Red Cross going on my app. As for that review website when I get $30 I think I will try that, sound good.